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Everything posted by Removed

  1. they just priced themselves out of the UK market then, I'm actually going there tomorrow morning as I've got a meeting not too far from there in the afternoon, will see what i can do. UTECS from the US even retail are $1k !!!! madness if that's what they are going to offer us Still if I have to resort to importing one I will do and as long as they can map it professionally, with no need to have guinea pig 350Zs , I'll just use them for that
  2. bigvern, I've had a passenger ride in the Pink Sumo Power Z on Sunday (Thanks Andy and Tim! ) and trust me these guys can drift! definitely great entertainment! Fuggles what hotel is that? when we went to Modified Nationals, we stayed @ the Holiday Inn, very nice!
  3. I sent them a few pics a while ago and got my car featured in their June gallery! Now let's hope I win the "quarter" competition www.meguiars.co.uk then go to Gallery
  4. wow, if he had the strenght to moan at the car driver, he must have been ok!
  5. yeah although it's also fair to recognise a Company's willingness to put things right: most important of all though needs to be the ability to learn from previous mistakes in order not to repeat them in the future. As our friends the Latins used to say: Errare humanum est. Perseverare autem diabolicum (to err is human, to persevere is diabolical )
  6. Removed


    jees I do 200 miles with £30 on the motorway (going at like 75mph on the speedo )
  7. look at him, showing off the metal flakes in the paint! :teeth:
  8. Hi Chris, hope all is well Fair enough comments, I'm no expert by any means but they do make sense to me. Of course the same can't be said if you drive the Z as hard as you would have without a TT, if you see what I mean. ie for the 10% saved driving off boost, you'll lose X % much more when driving on boost ) Funny how so many people have many different opinions of different tuners (not tuners on other tuners, I mean actual customers of tuners) When I was @ Grantham getting Paintshield, I met an old guy who was there with his Evo 8 who had used WRC and he was very very happy too with the service he received, so urbanmyth is not alone But when i was @ JapShow yesterday i heard another horror story regarding an APS oil pan... It's usually good to follow word of mouth, but in your case guys it's impossible, one guy says you are brilliant, another has had bad experiences and so on! I guess the only way is to use someone who've only heard great things about them, but do they exist?????
  9. needs repairing don't forget No idea on price really mate, just bid! you might be lucky and get it cheap!
  10. the 2 smells are quite different, you should be able to tell which of the 2 it is
  11. I'm definitely getting a unit, after pondering briefly the idea of an SZ or a V PRO, I concluded that it's not what I'm looking for. Whether it'll be importing it from the US (not TXS directly) or getting it from Thor, it remains to be seen.
  12. I've done a a bit of investigations on the TXS site and the the Thor site, to compare retail prices on TXS items. Thr only have a coupls of itmes with prices on their site (the knocklite being one) and to compare the markup: knocklite from TXS US is $129 and Thor makes it £88.13 incl vat, so won't hold my breath with regards to what price I can get out of them for the UTEC... we'll see
  13. some clutches have failed even earlier mate. now the clutch has been known to smell after slipping it too much, mine used to smell until about 10k miiles ago (now 27k) not it does only if I abuse it (which of course I don't mr Nissan, even if it's not an item included in the warranty )
  14. well well well, some interesting developments.... listen to this guys Thor-racing (known tuners in Warwickshire) have just recently become TurboXS UK distributors! Mark (US TXS owner) told them about our GB, but he never mentioned anything to me! ie. we could have salvaged this GB as there wouldn't have been any need to keep messing around with TDi's schedule as Thor have their own DynaPack dyno (same as Abbey) PLUS they are UK distributors for the UTEC! I know some of you guys were just interested for the price of $700 including all switches and sensors, and were not interested in the installation/tuning, but for those who are interested in the tuning side of it, (like I am) I think we can do something with Thor without having to involve Jermaine (unreliable with regards to coming over here...) let the Thor guys get trained up on the UTEC on their own account, then try again with them directly! Now I have only verbally spoken to them @ JapShow (they had UTECs on show, that rang a bell! ) but I'm going to ring them/email them tomorrow and see what they can do price wise and will report back! As long as they are competitive price wise (and don't need a guinea pig car as they'll sort their own training, but surely they'll be ok since they tune all sorts of other EMS, have a nose @ their site! www.thor-racing.co.uk ) I'm looking forward to have a go with them and not involve any foreign entity
  15. well, very glad to hear we are useful to people, that's the whole point of this place!
  16. you just cant resist a bargain, like me
  17. today was........ AWESOME! was there with the Z Club, nice to meet Suzy Mike & Co. The 2 D1GB drift Zeds were there they even went to the 1/4 mile towards the end of the day the pink one ran a 13.5 which is nice considering it's prepped for drift I went over to Andy Barnes from SUMO as they were giving passenger rides in random D1 cars, so guess what I got??????? Tim gave it some, to put it mildly and I had a ride with him!!!! awesome stuff, he just powerdrifted and left foot braked, no clutch or handbrake, he did all sorts of stuff, thoroughly enjoyed it!!! got some pics and vids on my phone but wont be able to post before Friday when i get home A lot of VERY FAST japanese machinery, Mr.F's own Stillen sc Z ran a 13.8 (still heat soak issues ) and a Kuro GT4 ran a 14.46, my exact time from a couple of weeks ago. Great day also for the Thor-Racing news, see the UTEC thread..... this is a neverending story!
  18. anyone up for round 4 @ Silverstone, 20th August????? come on guys it's ace!!!! we get free club stand and cheaper tickets too!!
  19. jeeeeeeeees that's one sneaky bunny! that pic made me laugh out loud, not for the damage but in trying to think how on earth it managed to get squeezed in! anyway, nice stew last night? ps damage SHOULD be repairable mate
  20. hi flow cats shouldnt throw any cel light, it's the decats which will surely throw one. I was confused too in my time and even got myself a pair of non-foulers but no need to have them on
  21. not too keen on the lights, like the wheels
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