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Everything posted by Removed

  1. NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and nice stickers
  2. apologies I was a bit nervous about the impending semi-final I'll be in the same mood on Sunday afternoon too Problem with shipping is that as the item is LARGE! we'll sort it though mate, no worries btw
  4. no worries, got my RBF too and SS brake lines just arrived from the US waiting to be installed, at which Point I think I'm gonna do the pads too, since I've put an extra 1500-2000 miles since I took those pics
  5. what's the part number on this? my Italian friends would like to know
  6. sold to some guy in ABERDEEN? ffs im gonna have to ship it now? what a PITA! mind you the guy hasn't contacted me yet definitely gonna charge him interestingly if I have to ship it :dry: I hate when people don't read the auctions properly ffs :dry:
  7. mostly to do with different materials put in contrast with each other. this is the classic example: plastic cap, metal rear wheelarch
  8. my brembo sport came with no instructions whatsoever, they are made by ferodo too. Not fitted them yet
  9. and what would you do with £6k? PS probably Spill's car (Vortech) and urbanmyth APS TT
  10. the answer to the title is.... noise. But that's about it mate mid range gains too I guess, but then you risk running too rich thanks again to the ECU, so really not much point. PS this thread belongs in "performance"
  11. less than 1 hour to go..... bargain! (for those who can repair fibreglass! )
  12. You can go 9.5/10.5 if you want for £40 more. Gaz.
  13. not that light, (over 1500kg) but I think a tad lighter than Supras? In the US people run 600hp+ reliably with forged internals and also seen some mad 700hp+ Z too
  14. so you still want a 350Z for your next demo car? PS of your demo cars
  15. Dorian, clue is in his (www) button
  16. Hi Paul, how's Gaz and your Supra? saw it @ JapShow, quite quick :teeth: PS it's buongiorno
  17. some pics that might interest you http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2349
  18. Thanks for your help. One question Val - the Nissan manual tells me 'Apply PBC (Poly Butyl Cuprysil) grease or silicone-based grease about 0.5 g (0.018 oz) per surface equally to back plate side of Inner Pad and Outer Pad.' What grease do you use? Thanks Neil depends. I read contrasing reviews with regards on to whether to use "copper grease" as if you use too much it can come off and ruin your wheels. There's no grease on the standard OEM pads (well if there was any in the first place, it's definitely gone now! ), they have a metal plate though and I guess that stops them from squeaking. Wonder if aftermarket pads will squeak if you don't use copper grease. I'll just use some grease that my friendly mechanic neighbour will provide me PS of course the part in contact with the disks MUST NOT be greased
  19. just passing on the message, use at your own risk i guess PS you can buy feedback
  20. well i suggest you don't use the 350Z-tech guide then mate as it's completely different, in fact it's easier if you have the brembos. Literally: wheel off, 2 safety pins, 2 metal bars, 1 metal plate that keeps the pads into place. remove the pads, push the cylinder back to make room for the new pads, reassemble. job done
  21. it's just the wheel that's off. I can tell you didn't read the guide then anyway, Neil have you got brembos or not? as the tech guide seems to be for the non brembos setup?
  22. wing????? doesn't look like a wing to me ???
  23. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2165 with huge pictures, follow the link
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