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Everything posted by Removed

  1. good, we have our guinea pig now ! seriously now, thanks and I appreciate it
  2. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL man in uniform type of charme uh? B)B)
  3. where is Longleat anyway?? bet it's on the other side of the country
  4. i have one mate, but keeping hold of it, you never know
  5. no mate just a few spaces for the sunday!
  6. just emailed you as well Matthew again, apologies mate
  7. Yeah that's bad right enough; Juve possibly down 2 divisions - be pretty unhappy about my promotion prospects if I were a team already in that division very true
  8. in all honesty i though we'd go out as we hadn't played a proper team as of yet, plus playing vs the hosts... and seeing how germany was well looked after in the argentina game... but since the very first minutes, it was a very very open game and we gave it all, really didn't expect it, at all! mind you probably the whole team will end up going to play all over the world anyway, with the mess back home...
  9. whateverrrrrrrrrrrr what about the post and the bar we hit? they didn't play badly but we deserved it far more! Lippi made 3 substitutions, , 3 strikers!!!!! we went for it in a way I would have never expected Italy to play, and it paid off
  10. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL yeah go on, we'll clean up in the morning! my gf doesn't speak to me coz I told her I was entitled to shout and curse and use whatever european languuage I wished, and I sent her to iron some clothes if she expected me to shut up during the game
  11. good q.... both good teams... probably Portugal as they won't have a clue about handling world cup finals ?
  12. you are getting too friendly, it's a bit scary
  13. apologies I was a bit nervous about the impending semi-final I'll be in the same mood on Sunday afternoon too Problem with shipping is that as the item is LARGE! we'll sort it though mate, no worries btw and apologised already with the above response
  14. ? how many times are you posting man? I read you the first time and answered you already ?
  15. I hate it when people don't LIST the auctions properly ffs :dry: As a mod here your comment about charging him "interestingly" on an open forum blows.Way to show love for fellow Zed owners!!! Just saw your last post..... Hit up parcelforces website,they collect at your conveience print labels for you and deliver in 24hrs pretty damn cheaply for most things. chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill G, what I meant is that collection would have been the best option for everyone. Of course I'm not gonna rip anyone off with the postage, I haven't got 100% feedback for nothing and been a member since 2000 by chance mate
  16. that's what I meant although the "gutless" comment of course has nothing to do with the fact that he sells the APS kits
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