latest info from the Organisers... just emailed to me
We are pleased to announce that the finishing touches are being put to this year's JAE and that we now have the full support of all the UK's Japanese specialist car magazines and traders dedicated to providing you the best support available.
JAE Schedule
10am until 5pm - Drift passenger rides and displays
11am - Show and Shine (under the main arena canopy)
11am - Isuzu
11:30 - Mitsubishi
12:00 - Subaru
12:30 - Datsun
13:00 - Honda
13:30 - LUNCH!
14:00 - Toyota
14:30 - Classic
15:00 - Lexus
15:30 - Nissan
16:00 - Mazda
16:30 - Suzuki
6pm - Flame Off (by Peterborough Suite)
8pm - Disco (Cambridge Suite)
9pm - Live Band (Cambridge Suite)
10pm - Fireworks
10:15 until midnight - Disco (Cambridge Suite)
10am until 5pm - Drift passenger rides and displays
10:30 - Winners assemble for finals of the Show and Shine
12:00 - Show and Shine Awards
12:30 - JAE Best Car Club
13:00 - Tug of War
Registration for all activities closes 30 minutes before the activity starts. Please go to the Admin Centre located by the grandstand.
JAE is sponsored by Abbey Motorsport, Nitrous Oxide Supplies, Opie Oils, Toyo Tyres, DriftDomain, Banzai Japanese Performance, Japanese Performance and JTuner. We would like to thank them for being part of JAE and there continuous support.
Abbey Motorsport
The longest established tuner of Nissan Skylines in Europe, truly the defining authority. Over 40 years experience of high performance automotive tuning and engineering from road to track.
Nitrous Oxide Supplies
Nitrous Oxide Supplies was formed in late 2003 as the need for a reliable, cost effective UK Nitrous Oxide supplier was recognised. Nitrous Oxide gas is of the HIGHEST GRADE AVAILABLE.
Opie Oils
Opie Oils sell one of the most comprehensive ranges of quality Automotive lubricants available anywhere in the UK. We sell oils for all makes of cars and motorcycles from the most modern super cars to vintage and veteran cars and motorcycles.
Toyo Tyre
World beating tyres from a World-leading company. Toyo is one of the world's leading tyre producers, selling products in 80 countries. Whatever car you drive, and wherever you drive it, it's reassuring to know that the tyres you're driving on are backed by the vast resources, experience and expertise of Toyo.
Banzai - Japanese Performance Magazine
From 1000bhp Nissan Skylines to the new Impreza, Banzai is full of Far Eastern promise. For Japanese car performance tuning, custom modifications, styling and ICE.
Japanese Performance
The only magazine for buying, modifying and enjoying Japanese performance cars.... www.chpltdcom/japanese_performance/index.html
A magazine for the serious Japanese modified car enthusiast. Bringing you the best cars from the UK and Japan, latest news, the most in-depth technical features. It's the ultimate guide to Japanese car culture.
Drift Domain
An online resource centre so people can come to the site knowing nothing about drifting, and be able to learn everything about the motorsport from where it began to how you can have a go yourself.
Show and Shine
The show and shine will take place as before by manufacturer but this time NOT on the oval. As before the cars will parade in, park up and be judged. Our very own Stephen Grant will be on hand to interview the drivers and talk to people throughout the day. So make sure you're in line nice and early and don't forget to register 30 minutes beforehand - at least. The top two cars from each section will go through to the Best Cars of JAE final on Sunday. The winning names and cars will be posted up in the Admin Centre and announced on the radio at 5:30pm on Saturday - so make sure you tune in! The winning cars will then be parked up on Sunday for the final judging. So Saturday night could be a busy time for some polishers out there! All the presentations will take place at noon on Sunday, rounding off with the award for the Best Car Club.
It's back and here's our very own frequency JAE FM is 87.7 don't forget to tune in. Announcements, Interviews and the very best of music will be broadcast from Saturday morning right through the day and all night and all day Sunday.
Show Guide
Each car will receive this free JAE show guide. Detailing the event, which clubs and traders are attending, location maps and other information.
Passenger rides in a Drift car
New to JAE this year, passenger rides in a drift car. It may not be the real thing, but it will give you the experience of what it's like to go sideways. This would not of been possible, without the full support and backing of D1GB
Our ole favourite the fireworks are back...with vengeance!! Bigger and better than before, so get ready for this spectacular light show.
No excuse to let off steam and your hair down....time to shake your booty on the dance floor to all the hits in the mix.
Live Band
For all you rockers young and old, kick back and enjoy the sounds from 4 fifteen