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Everything posted by Removed

  1. mind you it's not as if we had the best record on penalties shootouts ourselves... I guess they have finally learnt! @AndyC yeah it was me and another 150/200 Italians celebrating really we were completely unfit from the 2nd half onwards, you could tell they wouldn't go forward anymore! even better winning when you struggle though :teeth:
  2. looks great between your missus legs sounds a bit dodgy
  3. no worries mate, i can always invite you and the missus for dinner some time anyway, when Debbie is off!
  4. You sure you got the right ones didn't think stoptec made them for Brembos?? yeah mate they have those cubic attachments, that I've seen Plus it said Brembo 350Z on the packagins
  5. Kuro one sitting in a queue on the M6 north (accident!) this morning and also an Azure on the A50 west later on
  6. :teeth::teeth: can we use this somehow on the website Chris & Co? looks awesomeeeeeeee
  7. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn you are one lucky guy Andy! great great pictures!!!! :teeth::teeth:
  8. think it's quite a known fact, mine does when i switch it off, after a bit. have you been using it regularly during the winter, like switching it on for about 1 hr every week? otherwise "mold" can grow in it and make it a) unhealthy to breathe and smelly That's what i read a while back
  9. Hyeline is organising this: We are organising a Track Day at Llandow in South Wales to take place on Saturday 26th August 2006. The track has been provisionally booked for this date with the aim of confirming the booking next Monday (3rd July). The day is going to be sponsored/subsidised by Hyeline of Cardiff. Price at only £75 for the day (this is a really cheap price for a full day). In order to give everyone as much tracktime as possible I'm limiting the numbers to 30 (give or take a couple). It will be an open pit lane day so you can run as much or little as you want. As it’s a sponsored event I will be posting up on other Japanese car forums. This is also an opportunity to meet other club members. In order to give everyone as much tracktime as possible I'm limiting the numbers to 30 (give or take a couple). Once the booking is confirmed it will be first come first served-eg first thirty people to send in the money will be given the places. More details will follow. For anyone who hasn’t been to Llandow before, this is a really nice circuit (just over 1 mile round) run by very helpful people. Everytime I’ve been there I’ve had a fun, laid back day….this is an opportunity not to be missed. Once again post here and or contact me to book. Payment Details. Telephone Hyeline on 02920 709191 and pay by credit/debit card.
  10. wow awesome! going to copy this info on a separate thread on the trackdays section! I'd do it if I was closer! very cheap!!!
  11. B)B) the blondes were english, but I guess they had the great idea of joining in the fun! :teeth:
  12. What a night! these guys made me proud to be Italian again, against all odds, especially on penalties, they just gave it all and were perfect! At the beginning of the World Cup I would have been happy to get into the Semis, with a team of hard working footballers and no special superstars or primadonnas. Lippi once again showed that you don't need to have a team full of superstars to win! What a night, I was 7 in 1982 and still remember it, and so this victorious night will stay with me forever! Manchester was Italian for one night, I thought I'd be on my own celebrating, instead.... more pics here http://www.350z-uk.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=85
  13. got them on my fronts and love every single bit of them!
  14. 350ZNismo Chesterfield M13KYF (saturday) Neo ( might be on hols ) steve jones steve_b Revsport Lomoto (sunday only) share space with Liam NickMSM Kev946 Andy Jacko Liam's Z (friday/saturday) share space with Lomoto max (Saturday and possibly sunday) lee27150 Neil (saturday) Patto (saturday) Sarnie (saturday) StephenG WoReod (sunday) 1 full weekend space left and 5 sunday spaces left
  15. woreod, glad you are coming! Sunday will be a short day, most people will be leaving early afternoon so I'd be there by 10 at the latest entrance is £20 for a car and £1 to me for the pitch. you can bring bucket and sponge if you want to wash your car, there'll be taps for water postcode should be on the very first page link to the JAE website, you should find it then!
  16. it is the standard on JDM mate, he's got an aftermarket one , hance he selling this one
  17. mine were relatively cheap mate, £69 iirc all in. I am not currently doing track days so even the standards are fine tbh. Looking forward to see if I feel any difference with RBF600 and SS brake lines, all to be installed (and the pads) next sarturday
  18. it's a bit random? what TT, what SC, competely standard car? Modified NA? of course all cars will be modified differently and tuned differently too! is it just to have an idea or what?
  19. sounds good! hopefully it can be confirmed it works on the Z and then we can get JDM owners extra saving!
  20. that'd be a nice one if it worked, I somehow don't think it will as Funkystyling is on board here and his Z is an import... in fact I seem to remember he was asking about delimiting it months ago when he got it?
  21. Nice I'll have them! dayummm! Locked
  22. ? why? I can sell what I want, like anyone else? ah I see, you are moaning because I don't satisfy the 15 posts rule? I could even sell my sweaty socks if I wanted to, remember the telescope?
  23. no it doesn't it has a snorkel going down in front of the grille, but the filter sits in the same position as the stock airbox, albeit encased in a metal "box" snd with a CF lid. Snorkel is not attached to the box either, so hydrolock is not possible pics here http://www.350z-uk.com/gallery/displayi ... m=3&pos=30
  24. I switched to daily lenses so i have 2 brand new sealed 240ml bottles of bausch & lomb ReNu multi purpose solution. £8 + £2 shipping http://www.visiondirect.co.uk/product.p ... dd240c5b3e
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