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Everything posted by Removed

  1. on another thread someone posted the instructions, a search should reveal all
  2. claybar: divide it in small bits, flatten it with your hands then rub it while lubricating. once it's dirty, squash it, make a little ball and then flatten it again, you'll see it's clean and you can use it again. Maybe a couple of panels per claybar bit. tyre gloss: just tried the Meguiars one, VERY good, lasts very long too and smells gorgeous!
  3. missed it too, just finished working on the car
  4. a few of us are leaving friday afternoon, maybe convoy with mikey?
  5. yeah I haven't downloaded this manual, but there's quite a few differences from US and UK cars, wrt technical level stuff. So download at your own risk
  6. pee off, you haven't even been able to answer your own topic!
  7. I thought you were called something else Val ....... still probably safer with TheMinal eh How's it dangling mate ...... Anyway ..... I could tell you about my user name ........ but as I always say ..... it's a secret oi you cheeky sod haven't been around for a while mate, how's your new house?
  8. comes from my last name, they called me it since I was 14
  9. well that's not easy, that's elementary, with a ramp I did my plenum too
  10. task IS easy ffs, with a bit of luck with not finding anything seized, we could have pulled it off!
  11. he's coming back tomorrow still, no neighbour would have helped today, plus we've done most of the tasks in hand! rear SS lines + fluid replaced on rears front pads brake fluid replacement (completed tomorrow) see? only front SS brake lines left to do plus when was the last time you did something like this anyway
  12. no, car is fine, the nuts arent! if stupid nissan 2p bolts and nuts weren't seized, we'd have done the lot in one afternoon!
  13. yeah mate sorted that part, but I think I'll just leave it to the professionals to finish off the SS lines Liam will confirm we have tried our best! one thing is for sure oem lines aren't a patch on these!
  14. nevermind that, bleeding knuckles is what you lot need! try fit some SS brake lines then you'll be real men!
  15. thanks mate but we did have a flare nut spanner! still no joy I'm afraid. did the brake pads, managed to push the pistons back with a bit of luck with tools I had. I opened the bleeding valves and also chocked the brake line so that extra liquid would come out of the bleed nipples instead of going back up to the reservoir via the master cylinder. Tomorrow I'll finish the fluid beleeding/replacement with the RBF600, but those front brake lines were a couple of biatches
  16. nice car mate! only thing I don't dig that much is the rear spoiler, kind of a weird one imo!
  17. update: brake pistons don't want to go back and don't have the tool required to squeeze them back hence not leaving enough space for the new brake pads also one of the nuts on the driver side for the brake line is extacly the same as the ones on the pasenger side: seized to death. Shame as that was the last one needed to put the brake line on interesting stuff though, and if it wasn't for the seized nuts it would have been done in no time and everyone would be happy. Funny how a straightforward job can be hampered by stupid bolts or nuts that won't shift
  18. much more of a nightmare than expected: not because of the difficulty of the job, but because of the passenger side front NUTS, all of them basically completely seized up: nothing would move them, not even penetrating oil, NOTHING! So basically the situation is the following: rear SS lines on, and brakes bled, no issues. Pads will be on by the end of tonight on both fronts, one front will have a SS brake line too, but the other one will need looking at by professioanls who will have "professional ways" to get some nuts off, they just WON'T shift with our toosl, although we did use professional stuff (snap-on) and flare wrenches as suggested on the manual. Worked fine on 3 corners, no way on front passenger side. Thanks Liam for all the help PS no pics as we were really tight with time, unforteunately
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