much more of a nightmare than expected: not because of the difficulty of the job, but because of the passenger side front NUTS, all of them basically completely seized up: nothing would move them, not even penetrating oil, NOTHING!
So basically the situation is the following: rear SS lines on, and brakes bled, no issues.
Pads will be on by the end of tonight on both fronts, one front will have a SS brake line too, but the other one will need looking at by professioanls who will have "professional ways" to get some nuts off, they just WON'T shift with our toosl, although we did use professional stuff (snap-on) and flare wrenches as suggested on the manual. Worked fine on 3 corners, no way on front passenger side.
Thanks Liam for all the help
PS no pics as we were really tight with time, unforteunately