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Everything posted by Removed

  1. it's ok mate, sometimes I am just a bit too Machiavellian, I blame Dorian for this (the machiavellian thing, not my opinions above! )
  2. you'll have to do it all over again soon then!
  3. Hopeforsun, that link is not accessible unless you pay money to become member. (TO GO TO A MEET! ) I find it a bit misleading and to be frank, you could have posted the meet location here too, if you wished members here participated. This is my own personal opinion and not the opinion of this website, but i think this is a bit of a provocation, what do you guys think?
  4. chat is great, has lots of features and people not older than 30 that use the internet normally will be familiar with that type of thing.... on the other hand OAPs like lomoto or cast-offs like Sarnie might find it unbearable...
  5. Removed


    any reason bap is taking so long to ship your wheels mate? get them shipped, if his new ones haven't arrived yet, bricks are the only solution!
  6. some suggestions/do's and don'ts from one of the organisers: All disposal BBQ's need to be RAISED on bricks. Please NOT directly on the grass as it will burn. No reving after midnight No donuts or burn outs Keep music to a minimum after midnight
  7. can't see your club around our plot mate
  8. a black car is the only colour I'd "accept" chrome wheels on, really. of course it's only my opinion and each to their own
  9. imo Nismo has quite radical views, which for me are too extreme as well (you loathe the US, their car scene etc but without the US Z sites and knowledge in tuning the Z we'd still be at the stone age mate...) I guess each to their own, but the point is valid about the pic and we have a nice little surprise to address that
  10. Not if I do it from a different IP address are you sure?
  11. no have to sort the nuts you've rounded off now
  12. actually no he hasn't and yes we can check that
  13. Yeah I use that one as well. Its called Meguiars Endurance Gloss Lasts for a while as well yep him
  14. brakes sorted, new pads "bedded in" as per manual procedure, i had initially a spongy feeling, so I re-bled the rears and now it's spot on! I just wish the brake lines were on at the front too... see what TDi North say tomorrow
  15. are you sponsered by Meguiars Val, if not you must spend a bloody fortune with em? I'm seriously thinking of asking for sponsorship money
  16. Same one as us I hope Who's in for Friday then: Liam's Z TheMinel M13KYF mike's going on sat morning mate Chris & Mrs are going friday also 350ZNismo will be there
  17. Sat night is fireworks night! can't remember what time they lock the gates at, we'll see. For the show n shine, get in by 10am, I'll give out the forms then you can give them to the organisers
  18. it's ok Chris, no rush really... I can't help out for the next couple of weeks as I told you already, but we'll get it sorted :teeth:
  19. yeah mate please come introduce yourself what site do you help running?
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