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Everything posted by Removed

  1. Val you want to send the email out again, I,ve had one from the other side yeah me too " just turn up" nice one
  2. TheMinel 350ZNismo Chesterfield M13KYF (saturday) steve jones steve_b Revsport Lomoto (sunday only) share space with Liam NickMSM Kev946 Jacko Liam's Z (friday/saturday) share space with Lomoto max (Saturday and possibly sunday) Neil (saturday) Patto (saturday) StephenG WoReod (sunday) Bob350z flirt (saturday) Bluffy (sunday)
  3. Not bothered to much about a laptop,as I dont move about much
  4. yeah Sarnie try soapy water, should imagine it would be easier to see... certainly is contagious, I have placed quite a big order with autopia, getting different waxes, polish, clay etc. Hopefully should be here by the weekend... my neighbours already think Im mad with the amount of times I clean my car. Bluffy you ought to be down at Peterborough this weekend, with the rest of the chaps that's the spirit!
  5. not mine it won't be mind you I guess I can share a can thought it was a portable fridge, not an american style one?
  6. The scan that I took from the 350z Brochure is definately for the 2006 models. The black is Ebisu Black and not Kuro. The brochure says it comes with Bluetooth integration on the Coupe model. hate to disappoint you mate, guess where I got this (bad) picture of the phone integration from? 04 brochure. what did you need to do to have your phone on hadsfree? buy a cradle. I still bet the BT adapter is an optional accessory also the fact that in your brochure the bose and nav are also accessories and they are listed together with the bt reinforces my theory.. it'd be great if it did have it, but doubt it
  7. don't forget the support vehicle! if we meet up @ donny services, we can dump it in it, and tracey could hold it in the pass seat until then? PS hold only 1 beer?
  8. right...... don't wanna sound like I want to always be right, BUT phone integration is one thing (ie all UK zeds have phone INTEGRATION, page 20 of my 04 brochure has got a nice phone sitting on the cradle WHICH U HAD TO BUY SEPARATELY) and the actual cradle is another. and roadsters have never had any handsfree kit anyway anyone with an 06 coupe' just bought, that can confirm?????????????? my money is still on bluetooth cradle to be bought separately PPS in that brochure there's still Kuro as black, when it's replaced by the ebisu, metallic black too... they can't even do their own brochure right
  9. still not gonna try and race it if I find it on the "insert private airfield here"
  10. mind you at least we actually remove the ppl who had the courtesy of letting us know they are not gonna come... somewhere else they keep people artificially on the list so that they appear to be many going
  11. FFS the heat must have gone to your english ppl's heads, where's the so called british sense of humour, ffs? I WAS JOKING
  12. liar Actually i recently bought 50 tickets for the 350z-tech raffle..... and haven't won anything
  13. but is it the same cradle or a completely different setup then??
  14. Prescience Neo Andy Sarnie these the last minute (sort of) dropouts, which are now named and shamed! guys, what should we do to them? them all? change their tag to "spineless JAE last minute dropouts" ? Open to suggestions
  15. you need power for that though PS NickU just checked, you weren't on the list in the first place, so you are fine mate, I'll name and shame everyone else who's dropped out at the last minute on the main thread in fact I might them all
  16. how come you are so sure? just trying to shed some light to this...
  17. interesting, would be great to hear Amsoil's opinion too
  18. another one bites the dust Today i bought: cooler bag, sausages, steaks, LOTS OF DRINKS (both alcoholic and non alcoholic) scottish beef burgers, massive ketchup jar. Still need to buy: ice packs (LOTS of them), veggies, bread and fruit (will get these fresh on friday)
  19. quite sure 06 don't come with the bluetooth cradle as standard guys... someone confirm?
  20. and you needed it too, your exhaust tips on sat-sun were absolutely filthy!
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