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Everything posted by Removed

  1. got it downstairs check on page 1 link to their site, should b there mate great news though!
  2. check for the BT adapter inside the car will you?
  3. you bunch of weirdos, why are you looking for fun OUTSIDE the showground? all fun will be INSIDE the showground in the evening!
  4. not sure it's real fully synth, like the motul silkolene or amsoil... won't be bad for the Z though
  5. one of the worst looking zeds I've ever seen, in over 3 years... disgusting stuff. The sound system install looks awful too, and the 20" inchers are lifted straight from a SUV. shoot the culprit
  6. I'm sure motul and silkolene will be more than suitable and will exceed nissan recommendation, but I think we are talking about what's BEST... I for once will be curious to see these tests results with the Amsoil off Bernmc, also tempted to get a test kit for my own engine and do one since I've been running the motul (not the same batch, before any smartarse says anything ) for over 14k miles
  7. tracksuit bottoms and they look much better than any standard uk "scally/chav look" tracksuits :PB)
  8. very funny, the only difference is that i can your ass on here
  9. cheers, but for Italians it's the other way round: you GIVE presents to the person celebrating his birthday
  10. sports horn is a bit... feeble IIRC, in fact I remember thinking it was worse than standard looks good though, mind you who's gonna see it?? impressed by how cheap the shipping was though, courtesy used to be very expensive??? even for small items???
  11. lmao should have said scottish beef burger
  12. the camping guys will surely have their food/drinks, but i wanted to remind you lazy/posh/wimps/ lot that are staying in hotels, that it's a "bring your own BBQ/food etc" type of thing... translated: for example I have 4 disposable bbq's and that's it. So if you want a bbq bring one... can share the odd sausage, but not bringing food for the whole camp I'm afraid, I'm very poor in fact, i'll share a sausage if you bring me a birthday present, as it was yesterday
  13. Been there done that got the t shirt, the empty bank account and sore fingers from polishing But as Liam says feel free to lend some covers yeah but judges are gonna be looking for some engine bay bling mate, on your current car
  14. You'll lend him your covers/ lids? they'd look silly on a sunset tbh...
  15. ehm yeah, i own the place PS offsets will be model related. Not sure Volk will do customs offsets either (in fact I don't think they do) but to fill arches the width of the wheel has more to do it than the offsets, i think. and 9.5 and 10.5" is all good. offsets will determine if they will clear the brembos and the size of the lip, if the model has one, iirc.
  16. up to you mate, prob best to go with the earlier lot, as i have a feeling we are gonna be stuck in friday's traffic
  17. Nick you need to bling that bare engine bay of yours though if you want to have a chance
  18. still haven't understood if kev is coming or not any chance to answer that question please? can't be arsed Pming
  19. the Z has 114.3 hubs so consider only those with these type of hubs looks like for the Z they have the 9.5 and 10.5" wide ones, which is still fine. offesets seem ok too, just tell them to make sure they clear the brembos spacers: with 10,5R and 9,5F you don't need any spacers whatsoever
  20. forgot the Brembos i see
  21. yeah more than different routing, different time more like. Hopefully we'll get to donny services by 7pm
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