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Everything posted by Removed

  1. Well I hope your right Val... and they send you out a replacement quickly will they want the old one sending back or just photos of the faulty one? don't know as I just contacted them today mate. Still, I'm not paying anything, that's for sure.
  2. considering this is not a cheap item and supposed to withstand temperatures within the engine bay... not very plausible imo. Also, surely if it was to react to the paint, it would have done straight away, not after months it's simply their product that has failed, the painted surface is actually intact. As I said, there's already a precedent for this type of failure (well at least one known in the US) and that wasn't even painted.
  3. Whats the betting Kinetex do to AFAIK they are a serious Company who honour their peoducts' warranties that was one of the reasons I chose them in the first place. Will elt you know PS Tim, go on I wanna hear how they'd justify it if they sd the paint was to blame for the plenum melting
  4. Removed


    you read the guide yes?
  5. http://www.kinetixracing.com/index.asp? ... D&ProdID=9 I have the V4 the one they sell now is the next version, the V+. Still, I only saw this happen on a car in the US when a guy left the car on for about 6 hours, or something silly like that. Not my case.
  6. those "cans of Halfords paint" costed me over £70 all in .... mate in fact probably more (at least 5 cans of colour £10 each, same with primer and at least 3 laquer). PLUS labour and yes I'll make sure they make it up to me. Oh and no more plastic plenums for me I'm afraid...
  7. cool! busy @ Kev's on Saturday, hopefully finished by late afternoon, Debbie's working all day so might be going!
  8. Removed

    2006 RAYS

    And STILL funny To puerile people yes. you should be laughing then PS ...
  9. Ok so whats Italian for the fastest Automotive protection film in the world fastesteo automotiveo protectioneo filmeo in the worldeo? not fukin spanish
  10. not being funny mate but isn't this just a 10% discount? in exchange for having your Z with a big massive sticker across it? sorry mate but no thanks "Individuals that have there sponsorship application approved will be able to get 10% off drift practises organised by DriftDomain via Drift Academy and £50 of any body kit as well as."
  11. Kinetix sent me a replacement after showing them pictures of the defect my old V4 had developed, the new V+ seems to be a much better product! after a few months with no issues at all... the below happens. I'm quite scared of driving the car tbh! rang and emailed Kinetix just now... should I put the standard back on??? Problem is I have no time! earliest will be Thursday... damn! Hopefully they'll back up their lifetime product warranty... doesn't seem too bad, car drives ok... but surely I don't want it to get any worse and it's coming off...spent lots of money and time colourcoding it too, they'll have to sort that
  12. yeah as priorities are elsewhwere, very rarely you see speed cameras or silly fines given out (although it does happen there too). I have to say that there's many different Police Corps in Italy (still all of them carry guns/semiautomatics) but most are focused on high priority crimes, not just revenue vs motorists (although apparently they seem to be catching up with this awful trend, started here )
  13. it'd definitely cut down on the rate of youth giving cheek to policemen... never ever seen or heard of an Italian teenager answer back to or swear at a policeman like Ming told us a while back
  14. try emailing the organisers mate, they'll let you know what'll go on Scooby, same for you i guess we are just taggging along
  15. yeah they are on the link Bluffy provided iirc £40 each
  16. I know. Still, the sold it on ebay and when asked a legitimate question which could have helped potential buyers, they didn't answer. This imo of course shows they were willing to sell to whoever despite knowing that it wouldn't have worked on Uk Zeds...
  17. also this PDF file is interesting, goes up to 2001 but up to then Italy's figures have been falling while Engalnd and Wales increasing, in most areas...
  18. yeah and I asked them if it was compatible with a UK Z and they never answered me...
  19. Does Italy have better crime figures as a result? PS Just interested, I don't disagree! not too sure, but what I know is that all Policemen carry guns, and before starting to mess with them, the criminals think twice Also, if you are not intending to give out a life sentence, as you already know the guy will only serve XX years off it, what's the point in calling it a life sentence in the first place?
  20. right, so is it something we can't discuss on an open forum then?? if so fair enough, and the guys who are interested should ring directly
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