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Everything posted by Removed

  1. so that completely cuts us off their market though, unless we drive there
  2. my Z is extra low! hmmm it is on the expensive side, specs for clearance???
  3. hmm impact wrench might be useful I have a jack already, is that jack special ???
  4. I read both and still can't make out the price of these???
  5. but you going both days? I might go Sat there and Sun to the Z fest?
  6. plus, this site being free and all, anything we do to it is a bonus, so bow, appreciate and be grateful, you 2 biatches!
  7. its specially for you Have you bought those wheels yet?? This thread is boring, lets go crash some others you are veering towards the second of this site mate
  8. well a bit difficult when the whole engine bay is covered in plastic covers your solution of putting an APS plenum (still was filthy when i saw it though ) and leaving it standard colour didn't help stay tuned for some possible solution about the oem plenum
  9. way don't know, but he did my kit. I guess I'll have to put together another guide soon then
  10. thread split as the comments made after this point didn't have ANYTHING to do with coilovers
  11. CDR has been a round a long time, I remember his nick from the old forum I hope he meant that Vortech at al don't do testing @ the Ring, not that they aren't a serious Company PS how can it come with a warranty? do they do all instalallations? that would be the only way they could warrant a product, i'd say
  12. I've been with BT for about 5 years instead, no major issues at all, and very reliable. Now I pay £20 incl vat a month for a 1mb download speed (my line won't go faster than 3MB apparently) and 256k upload speed, 20GB download limit a month but they don't cap you if you occasiaonally go over it. I think it's a decent deal, anyone know any better?
  13. because of that hole that supposedly helps airflow?
  14. and the DIY guide on how to change them PS I have them, and despite the pics, they do make a nice blue light instead of yellow
  15. herre you can chat about anything you lot would like, without the need for moderation! (ie remarks etc) now get on with it
  16. what's mid budget? tbh it'd be better you find one or two or three that you like and then we tell you if it's good stuff or not mate
  17. look into the diy section maybe? EDIT, can't find the DIY guide myself... where the heck has it gone? I'm sure I have done it, with the steps to follow etc
  18. there's lots of kits, but most of the times as Sarnie said it's down to the quality and fitment of them! most of the times the price reflects the quality and fitment, so what you'd save on a cheap kit, you'd have to pay on spraying and labour and installation.
  19. yeah, but it officially won't make production even on a limited edition unfortunately also, FFS that kit is abysmal with the myriad of kits they could choose from, they went with that Strosek one? I only like the rear valance, that wing is
  20. you? just joking, if we agree on it you'll soon see
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