no it isn't here's what its owner said about it:
"I want to reassure everyone out there about the nature of my site. This is
a site to demonstrate the natural days of Oolong and me. Period. To my
surprise, I realize that this site has been spread around some American chat
forums and/or passed around as office humor. I am really surprised at the
number of visitors that come to my site, but I hope no one misunderstands
the nature of my site. Some visitors have written me e-mails, accusing me of
being cruel to my rabbit and that I am abusing my pet. This was never my
intention when I included numerous links to photographs, showing Oolong's
unique ability to hold objects on his head. This is not a site to mock
rabbits, or demonstrate animal abuse. I'm sure you understand it if you see
whole my site.
Oolong is so calm and patient -- he never gets angry when I take pictures of
him. When I put various objects on his head, he stays still for a minute.
This is just a result of an intimate relationship between me and Oolong.
The main theme of my site is not to show these 'headperformance' links,
and it's not my hope to propagandize nothing but the strangeness of his
headperformance over the world. Oolong's headperformance-- many foreigners
seem to feel it 'crazy', but Japanese people feel it just cute and funny.
It is the difference of international feeling."