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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I've always said apple is idiot proof, just works. But I don't jell with it. So much so I deleted the demon that is ITunes off my computer.
  2. This is the supplier for their tail pipes so you can browse. http://www.tailpipes.co.uk/new/login.php ignore the prices as they can often get them cheaper, and they will often work out a deal for you.. I also got them to build me my racing cats as well with 200 cell filters.
  3. http://www.longlife.co.uk/dealer-locator/
  4. Having had my exhaust custom built I went with long life after doing my research. My local long life is awesome, and it comes with life time guarantee. Not sure on your location, but their are 4 long life places around Kilmarnock, sterling and Edinburgh.
  5. As for the app store there are some good apps coming through, some are a little Richey, but I only ever download free ones regardless of platform, be it windows, apple or android. Its still new and its still unknown so it will take a while. Things I miss that I can get on android: links to my sky box, OBDII APP, app for my pioneer amp, that's all I can think of. Yes apple apple and android have billions of apps, but most of them you'd never use anyway. To put it into perspective, my school are looking at rolling out tablets across the school for students. The initial idea was ipads. The head technician asked me to bring my surface in to have a look at it. And even he said it was far more suitable than the iPad. But that's because the school network is mainly win based. But the fact it has office as standard, a full size USB port and a micro SD slot as well makes it very versatile.where in the uk are you, if your local, your more than welcome to come over and have a look.
  6. What's your realistic budget? If £800+ is too high then it makes life easier as you can rule out most options and stick to the cheaper end. And as you want quiet, that rules out crapspeed. Buddyclub are nice, but loud. So basically its cobra or scorpion. Or try somewhere like long life dealer and they'll build you one to your own liking and style for £400. You can choose your noise, now many silencers, the shape, sound, volume. And a selection of over 100 different tips to go on the end of it. So the question is do you want a rebuilt system, or a system built for you.
  7. I've not written a review on it. But I have win 8 on my computer and like it. But can understand why people might rage. In short win 8 on a touch tablet is miles better than on a non touch screen desktop. For example on my desktop, I spend 99% of my time in desktop mode, so its just like win 7. But on the rt tab I spend 99% of my time in the multi tile screen. Its different, it has different swipes. Take the time to learn it and its a rewarding platform. But if you're expecting easy win7 use out of the box, you might not like it. Its a platform and tablet that's worth persevering with.
  8. Yeah each to there own. I always play it safe and buy the next best thing then hardly use 99% of it's feature's! I know what you mean, when I was looking at the windows surface tabs, I was going to hold out for the full windows version, but had to sit down and think, what would I actually need from it. And it made sense to get just the RT version. Which I'm on now. And I can't fault it. But then I love it because it isn't apple. Not because apple aren't good, its just I'm not an apple fan. My wife has apple everything, and she loves it. I've tried it and its not for me. But I won't slag one thing off over another just because I don't like it.
  9. Ipads are good, but they aren't the b all and end all. There are other options out there that suit everyone's needs
  10. Was going to say, they were 2 different engines
  11. Ipads may be good, but he doesn't want big budget, all singing all dancing, does 100 things I want and 10000 I don't need ipad style tablet. He wants cheap indestructible for the missus internet browser. Store play music and read books. I'd be tempted to say look at the kindle fire hd. Or the Google nexus.
  12. Maybe get her an ipad2 instead of the more expensive 4
  13. If that's what she wants and all her friends use, then get her that. Our friends 7 year old daughter just got one. And she facetimes her friends, has an apple account and emails people etc. If she'd been on a different platform she'd be out of friends loop. Sad I know, but that's the current times for you.
  14. I like to be different so I have a windows surface RT, its awesome and does exactly what I want. However for what you want I don't think its right, sounds like you want a cheap web browsing tablet. Sony make a good tab, that Lenovo looks a bargain. Motorola not bad either. Same with Samsung.
  15. They wouldn't do it if it didn't make them money.
  16. Flyboy I'm sorry to hear about this, hope it gets sorted.
  17. Its hydro graphics I focus on more now. Doing my xkr dash in it. But not got round to doing it yet. I sell the hexis vinyl, after using both 3M and hexis.
  18. I wrapped a mates university prototype in the stuff, it wrapped ok, but I found the magic eye effect gave me a headache if I looked at it too long. I used the grey stuff. Not tried the black. Still got some left I think.
  19. The trick is to turn the strut over, chip away the plastic welds at the back. Push zed logo out from behind. As for the 4od stuff, I've tried a bit. Not looked at selling it yet as I don't know if its as long lasting as the likes of hexis and 3m
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