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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. to be honest combustion engines won't die, there are already prototype fuels in production based around hydrogen infused molecular balls. the balls are so tiny that a glass of them feels like water. and can be run in a normal combustion engine that only needs minor tweaks to run on it. coupled with the fact you can fill up the engine the old school way a t apump makes it far more likely. but at the moment its to expensive to produce and getting the hydfrogen on a large scale is un feasable.
  2. Also electric won't take over, its just a stop gap until hydrogen fuel cells become viable.
  3. You can plug them into the mains, that's how you charge them.
  4. the tesla car has impressive performance figures and looks like a lotus.
  5. low maintenance only has 1 moving part to the engine. compared to the 100's in a combustion engine. True no oil, only consumable in the engine would be brushes
  6. low maintance only has 1 moving part to the engine. compared to the 100's in a combustion engine.
  7. torque is an engines ability to turn. you can have lots of torque and a slow speed, you can have a high speed and low torque. but part of that comes down to gearing as well. if you've ever driven a diesel you'll know that you can pull away in first without using the accelerator and just lift the clutch. as the engine has enough torque to continue its turning without adding more power. do the same in a normal petrol and the engie would stall. example of low speed high torque would be a tractor pulling a trailor with very little throttle it can move 15 ton. same principle as above if you tried to do the same manouver with the same throttle responce you'd stall. as your aware in a zed torque is the ability to pull away without having to drop a gear to gain the power to turn the engine.
  8. what is it - its an android app what does it do - it allows you to read the fault codes on an engine what does it mean - you can check your own codes what does it feel like - in comparison to in comparison to apples offering it feels great as it costs almost nothing .... if your refering to the torque an engine produces ....if i told you i'd have to kill you
  9. i don't mind that to be fair, i've seen far worse.
  10. just remember to run them in parallel and not in series
  11. i've apparently aged 40 years because of my car choice
  12. because i've already made and sent him one
  13. they look really good, if i wasn't about to be hit by OFSTED tomorrow i'd have come over and had a look. they are far better than alot fo others, yours blend better in to a more solid beam of light compared to others where you can see the individual LEDS more prounounced.
  14. oh god the amount of people who have what seems to be a comprehensive opinion on the driving atributes of a car. but when asked "have you driven one?" they never bloody have. I had an MR2 roadster and S2000, the amount of people on here alone who said "thats a hair dressers car" but never drove one. i find it funny that on here lots of people says "the zeds a proper mans car" yet the influx of women on here has almost been greater than the blokes
  15. worst car i've driven possibly the daewoo matiz the very early ones before they were bought out by chevrolet. my gran had one and when she died i had to drive it back from manchester to essex for my parents. i swear the suspension was made of victoria spounge, the brakes were china plates i'm no even sure the steeering wheel was fully attached to the rack. wind buffetting was extreme. even a scooter could buffet it, so going past lorries was like driving in a hurricane.wheels so small i think they were taken off a roller skate. a handbrake cable that i'm sure was made of strawberry laces knotted together. panels so thin it could have been laminated paper. i could go on
  16. sorry i don't have a sarcasm smiley
  17. + 1 Ultimate "Avoid" machine yes those BMW M1's were terrible cars and the Z4M was a hideous car and this old 2800 is just a munter
  18. anything made by nissan..and i mean anything cheap and crap. made from plastics found on an indian landfill, and driven by people who feel they have a point to prove to anything that has any power just because they drive a nissan. blah blah blah... my cheap arse nissan is quicker than your [insert premium brand here] and it cost me half as much as your [insert premium brand here] and it goes round a long german race track faster than fast thing on fast juice. etc etc etc and then has the clarriages to sit there and insult every other car going. stones and glass houses spring to mind
  19. lol at the 3 car race, lonny herbert was a great driver, loved watching him race.
  20. just watched the last 5 min of that race, cracking driving
  21. I think you realise how good they are and how easy they make it look when someone elses tries to do it. i agree it takes skill, the speed you need to maintain for the car to work goes against everything your body is telling you to do. carry more speed when you should be braking etc. braking way later, and then contending with very high speeds. but even though it takes great skill i have more fun watching things like the truck racing at snetterton with 4 pickups side by side round a bend and 1 oon the dirt all fighting for the lead, now thats fun watching. DTM and BTCC are also good. and if i want to watch true driver skill i like to watch the rally. its just a shame all the big manufacuturers pulled out. i hope they all come back
  22. i love the engineering behind F1, the car tech etc.
  23. senna was a leg end, but of recent times i tend to find watching F1 like watching a 52 lap parade. its got better but my heart is still in old school F1 with senna, hill, mansell, lauder etc
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