a vehicle to all intense and purposes is a weapon, and if used incorrectly/dangerously they can kill the user/other people
problem with motoring offenses is they are pretty cut and dry, easy to prove, easy to follow through with.
ypur reference to sex crimes cautions is an interestinng article but its difficult when there is no context to the cases. yes they are apparent sex crimes, but with something like that there are 2 sides to a story, if everyone who was accused of a sex crime recieved a punishment you'll find alot of falsely accused people wrongly punished. rape is not always easy to prove.
the 8 months was not for speeding it was for PTCOJ if he'd admitted to the speeding he'd have got away with a fine and some points, at most a ban for 6-12 months.
if someone on a rape case PTCOJ then they would recieve a similiar jail sentence.