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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. where in the UK are you? there maybe members locally who can either help you out, or reccomend somewhere.
  2. if you get it dave we can have our own little mini meets....well at least for the next 12 months.
  3. there is no :drool: smiley droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  4. thats a proper car if you feel dirty; its probably the same kind of dirty as having sex with 3 hot women of r 12 hours kind of dirty
  5. T-cut is horrible stuff its an abrashive and not a good one at that, on cheap old cars T-cut is fine, but on decent paintwork like the zed i wouldn't
  6. its just the cradle, its the adapter thats worth the money
  7. even a machine polish might bring it back to life or some G5 polishing compound, but get a pro to do it.
  8. have you tried caustic soda and a bag of pebbles? that is a joke before you do it. need a picture of the damage, if its just the topcoat you've scratched then a gentle spritz of laquer would do it. but you'd need to know what you are doing. if it was me i'd ring one of the smart repairers or take it to a body shop, they should be able to sort it fairly easily. i think if you try and do anything more you'll make it worse.
  9. to be fair its been so long since i sat in a zed i have forgotten a little of what the door cards were like if they are as thin as BM says, maybe a high build primer might be a better solution, but not nowing what material they are made of i would be dubious about spraying anything on them. no one has fitted the interior parts, this is the first ever batch, still waiting on a first customer for all the new bits. looking at all the info, i'd just be inclined to buy the carbon ones, i might at some point look at dipping a set of door cards but at the moment its not high on my priorities.
  10. they'll get fined which will go into the govenment coffers, we won;t see a penny. the whole tax things needs an overhaul, scrap it completely and bring in a simple tax. one single tax for peoples earnings; make it a % of income. and one for companies taxing them a % of sales made. this should mean you pay tax on what you have earnt, and companies pay tax on what they have earnt. then what ever you sell or buy has already had the taxation carried out. ok you might be taxed say 40% of your income, but then everything else would be at least 20% cheaper, petrol would be 40p a litre, alchol would be back to a £1 a pint, no road tax, no council tax, no inheritance tax etc etc etc. can;t be that hard....can it?
  11. I'm on expedition that weekend sorry guys
  12. Here are some I did ages ago then I progressed on from vinyl wrapping to hydro graphics like this
  13. Sorry smudge not feeling either
  14. someone worked out a while ago that if teachers were paid by the hour for all the work they do i think that an average teachers salary would come in at about £2.90 an hour. which is basically half minimum wage. I think i've earnt my 6 weeks.....of which i spend 2 weeks planning for next term in. of the 2 weeks at easter i spent 1 in school and the other marking GCSE coursework. but at the end of the day i have a job and it keeps the roof over my head so can;t complain.
  15. I do have rtcustomz as my hobby, am a teacher during the day.
  16. Difficult kids are my bread and butter, its the area I get the most out of. Yes there are times when I want to plough a claw hammer through there skulls, but when things go right its really rewarding. I know it sounds cliché but a lot of it is built on mutual respect. How ever annoying it maybe, I have to earn it from them first before I get any kind of progress. But at the same time they've got to earn mine. Then its a case of giving them trust and allowing them to prove themselves. Reward positive behaviour and find ways to combat negative behaviour. Its not easy, it doesn't always work, and yes occasionally some kids are just too far gone. There are times when I've had to walk away as to not lose my job by doing something they might regret. Biggest connection points have been cars, engines, the work shop and teaching them practical skills.
  17. The steel work guy I don't mind too much, he's pretty straight down the line and does look out for his family. That Connor lad, I have met and taught his type several times. I know I'll get slated for this, but he's a prime example of why single parent families tend to breed bad kids. To put it straight, not all single parent kids are bad. But all bad kids tend to be from single parents. Especially boys living with mum. They need a man to kick them in too touch when they get too big for their boots.
  18. I' m happy to lend a hand one weekend
  19. have set it to record, faniced a laugh
  20. i'd go to CNledger then and see what they say, if you get the same repsonce from both shops then i'd follow it, but i would think it should be able to fill and seal it.
  21. will scarlet johansen be in it as well?
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