mine is a personal preference, i swapped from zed to S2K and was much happier, i prefered the interior of the honda, i liked the high transmission tunnel and the snug feel as it was like getting into a race car (if you could visually block out the passenger seat. i preffered the honda gear change, nd for driving out of Vtec its actually fine. lots of people give this impession that its a snails crawl up to 6000 rpm and then its like a turbo boost. its not, there is only a subtle difference between in and out of v tec, but the advantage is that what power and torque you have is with you all the way to 9000 rpm.
i found i had more fun in the s2k pootling with the roof down, as it brought a smile to my face in the summer, where as i had the coupe zed and i always felt i had to thrash it to make it feel like it was doing anything.
zed power is very linear, so you have to go very fast to feel like your going a bit fast. (if that makes sense) in the honda becuase of the revving etc there is alot more drama, so feels faster at lower speeds.
the s2k has gained the nickname widow maker with insurance companies, its more than capable at getting ts rear out, so many people do its meant that the S2k is a higher insurance bracket than the zed. you don;t need tonnes of torque to get the rears to slide you just need to learn how to drive properly.
both zed and s2k are at the limits of their tuning, yes you can spend thousands buying shiney bits for them, and you'll make them louder etc but only gain a small amount. both need FI to gain any real performance increase and both cost thousands to do so.
for me the zed is a better beginners car, its more forgiving if you get it wrong, the s2k is a bit more knife edge, when its there its fantastic but push to hard and it punishes yo alot more than the zed did. and i think part of that comes down to the weight. but if both cars are well set up with good tyres, and a good geo setup both can be good cars for both track and drifting.
both my cars were daily drivers, yes the zed is better on a long haul with a passenger as there is more cabin space, but both cars are useable.
out of the 2 cars i miss my s2k, and i don;t miss my zed. but this is my opinion, you need to find what suits your driving abilities.