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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Enjoy the trip mate, look forward to catching up when your back
  2. rtbiscuit

    Celica GT4

    Husky has done a lot to his. Forged engine, hybrid turbo. Its very quick.
  3. Ouch, sorry to see that.
  4. Its just a forum browsing tool, streamlines it and makes data transfer quicker as its set up for mobile devices
  5. I can supply tinting film as well, but thought with the tools needed, and it does require a bit of precision, its just easier to go see a pro for tints. But I can supply the vinyl if it helps.
  6. Got told to download, but you physically have to choose the new icon as it doesn't swap over.
  7. Cats don't come with exhaust.... so I'm guessing its stock cats. In that case it could well need a new O2 sensor. What was the engine code you had?
  8. Do you have stock cats, high flow cats or de cats?
  9. Really need to get myself to a baabaa game
  10. What time is kick off? Is it on tv today?
  11. Got a range of parts on an exchange basis ready to go http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/70889-rtcustomz-price-list-and-product-links/
  12. so i'm guessing you won't be at the pistonheads sunday service next weekend
  13. I'll see what i can do build thread wise, high chairs arent a priority at the mo as they won't need them straight away.
  14. i'd love to see a pay rise, we've been on a pay freeze for nearly 5 years now, as colin said if you take into account the raise in inflation and living costs i'd say my pay is been cut by 2.5% every year for the last 5 years. and my responsibilites have gone up. there are also talk of redundancy and changes to the pay structure for purely performance only related gains. at the end of the day i'm happy i have a job that keeps the fuel in my tank and the roof over my head, and i keep my eye open for suitable promotions that would give me the pay increas i want.
  15. and UK MOT regs say if the car came fitted with cats from the factory it still needs to have them. fine to swap to race cats etc, but decats are no longer road legal. the old test used to just have to pass on emmissions, so some test centres used to stick the probe in a car sat next to a vehicle with decats. and use that reading. but now its a visual inspection as well as emmissions. not only that if your found to have decats they ask to see your MOT and trace the test centre as well. they are cracking down on it alot more. and if your loud you'll draw attention to it.
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