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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Is this like an online Ponzi scheme? Not that its pyramid based, but the fact that its profitable while people are joining. And that those in early make all the money, and those new lose out?
  2. Just goes to show you can polish a turd. At that price it would have to be a gold plated turd.
  3. rtbiscuit

    Jag F-Type

    Would love one of these.
  4. Welcome to the prestige club would love that xf, looks great mate
  5. down side with rotary is its far easier to burn through your paint if you don;t know what you are doing, or leave swirls in the clear coat.
  6. i have the kestrel, works a treat
  7. Police were driving past, so stopped to make sure no-one was injured etc. they may well have the incident recorded then
  8. rtbiscuit

    Celica GT4

    i'm with sky they have been extrememly good at sorting me out and were the cheapest
  9. which parts specifically, if its the arm rests, some use plastidip or similiar, or take them out and respray them. others have found the use of a sharpie pen can have a suitable temporary fixing method.
  10. be aware they differ depending on if you have a pre or post facelift car
  11. i have a few parts http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/70889-rtcustomz-price-list-and-product-links/
  12. there was another black on on the blokes program this morning about sorting peoples houses out to sell them
  13. looks well looked after, from memory i think that might be M350ZB's old car
  14. if the police trace your vehicle through CCTV it can cause you alot of trouble, i think you can be charged with leaving the scene of an accident or something to that liking
  15. So why did you say anything :) freedom of speech
  16. you're not the first, nurrish did his a few years ago and we all took the pi$$, but his were more pink. i'm not a fan, wasn;t then and still not now. but i'm old and grumpy and not down with the kids, so my opinion doesnt count.
  17. as leon says all incidents with street funiture has to be reported as some one has to pay for it, and if you damamged it, it is your cost.
  18. rtbiscuit

    Celica GT4

    i'll tell him to come on and have a look at the thread, he can talk for himself then and give you a better idea. he did say th gt4 forum was excellent
  19. If you bought the parts 2nd hand you may find it fairly cheap to repair, £150 each for the front wings £150 each for the rear wings £200 each for the doors £150 each for the bumpers I'd say the prices are a rough estimate but your looking at about £1k in parts even 2nd hand. front wings just bolt on and off, doors arent too bad and can be unbolted, but rear wings are welded on. and will need someone who knows what they are doing to replace them; as they will need cutting off and the new ones welded on. front and re bumpers are easy to swap. average paint cost to repair a panel is roughly £200 a panel, your looking at £1600 worth of paint. so if you did most yourself your still looking at a bill of about £2.5k if it was me, i would call my insurers and write it off. take the hit and buy a cheaper car to run for now. cheaper doenst have to mean less fun. within 3 years you can be in another one.
  20. rtbiscuit

    Celica GT4

    I know when he bought it the car was apparently a fully built engine, but as it turns out it was done badly, i know he's currently rebuilding at the moment, but not 100% sure whats gone into it. i know he had put a hybrid turbo on it, and then he had engine issues (not the turbo's fault) turns out i think the engine had been over bored, and sleeves were to big, but its now all been corrected and refitted. i don;t know what is and is no longer forged. i know he was looking at boost control setups and looking at being able to turn it all down low etc (in effect allowing him to drive a bog standard 2 litre) and then when he wanted to play, be able to turn it all up again. last time we had a play i know that it was just keeping up with my car but as mine got to 100 it would start to pull ahead before we ran out of tarmac on the airfield we were on. and my xkr is currently near 440 bhp. but thats the difference between a turbo'd 2 litre and a supercharged V8.
  21. rtbiscuit

    Celica GT4

    I like going out in huskies gt4 but for a daily driver I prefer my supercharger whine Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  22. rtbiscuit

    Celica GT4

    I speak to him weekly, but he's not on here often
  23. rtbiscuit

    Celica GT4

    Husky took the spoiler spacers out and he felt it looked better on his. I like the big wing and white wheels. But that's just me.
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