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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Chesterfield experience never put me off jag. His was more a dealership issue, and to be honest jaguar were as supportive with him as Nissan were with my problems.
  2. Lol, if it makes you feel better 350z convertibles look like ford ka's
  3. You lot might like this http://www.lum.co.uk/mloc/
  4. Its still classed as a public highway
  5. have you tried filling up the coolant and seeing if anything comes out over a 24 hour period (leave it stationary for 24 hours) look for signs of moisture etc, check your rad for drips or pools of water in undertrays etc. follow rad pipes look for splits cracks and holes, usually wettness is the give away. run your hands along other coolant pipes and see if they give any indication of moisture.. does the coolant bottle look like it has mayo in it or around the lid, this would show oil emulisifcation and would be an indication of a headgasket failure. check round the seal of the head on the block. you can sometimes see where the gasket has blown out if it is a gasket issue. if a 24 standstill test shows nothing, take for a quick drive and re do all checks above.
  6. a G5 rubbing compound will work well, couldnt work out your car colour if it was silver or gunmetal as it was so close. but yes black hole glaze may be better.
  7. ony one name comes to mind for shiny bits to purchase and thats wasso, other traders can also get parts, tarmac has a collection of shiney and carbon parts as does CS (cougar store)
  8. I like my movies but i dont go to the cinemma as much ass i would like, its got too expensive these days. so i like to use my hme cinema setup. favourite movie for emersive surround sound...Saving Private ryan (specifically the beach landing) love having that cranked up; drives the missus mental favourite tarentino movies...the kill bill series...love the music and retro sound effects. not the best plot or best movie, but i just like it. event horizon silence of the lambs weirdest head **** of a movie ....being john malchovich random movies: ferris buella's day off weird science
  9. expensive crash, not the car, but the armco he hit, they charge a fortune to fix and replace armco there. plus accident services and recovery are all bundled on top as well.
  10. good work keyser, 1000 of those must be in build threads alone. quality info and entertaining reading
  11. rtbiscuit

    LMGT4 Refurb

    Looking good flyboy, as for the op, I like gold wheels, and they can work well on blue cars, but has to be the right shade.
  12. Its only clear coat deep in the scratch. Something like poorboys diamond glaze would hide it until you get round to seeing someone with a polishing machine
  13. Gibb looks like a good choice to go to Gibraltar , glad you' re enjoying it.
  14. If its cash and they turn up in person I'm not too worried
  15. yes they are an improvement over stock brakes or stock calipers with uprated pads and discs. my XKR has 355mm discs and 6 pot front and 4 pot rear brembo's but its only an upgrade option. wasnt cumpulsory. the stock 4 pots and smaller discs cope quiet happily with the 370 bhp that the xkr has. and would prbably cope with the 440 bhp i currently run at. my initial comment was that BBK's are more suitable if you are using the car on the track. if DBA's aren't up to the job i suspect you are driving beyond the conditions of the public road.
  16. the standard brembos are more than capable. just upgrade the disc and pads you use. something like DBA discs and pads would make the stock brakes extremely capable. a BBK does make braking better; but unless you're tracking the car on a regular basis they are a little unneccessary. by the looks of it these are for asthetic reasons only to fill the gaps behind the alloys.
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