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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I'm sure you'll make a lovely bride congrats and good luck
  2. be interesting to see what happens. if its a rebuild of old cars like MG or new vehicles
  3. My jag has sport mode, standard is very fast, sport mode is super fast, the S stands for super.
  4. There is a metallic purple from I think Avery, but no air Tec, but I think you can wrap with it. You'd need to speak to your wrapper to see what they can get/use etc
  5. anglesey is a superb track, driven it twice, one of my favourites. can be a little wet sometimes but its a nice area. holyhead is a bit of a dump, but bangor is nice. ad the drive across the islands is nice. watch it on the A55 lots of unmarked bobbies. stick to 80 or less and they leave you alone.
  6. most body shops like to paint to an edge as its easier than blending 2 paints together and feathering in the colour. you might be alright and the bodyshop says they'll blend it in. rear hatch isn't too bad, as there isnt alot of metal to paint, its mostly glass. as for the front, if your respraying the front anyway then it shouldnt be too much to fill the badge recess. only guidance would be that they should fill it with GRP first then finish off with a filler. most good bodyshops should do this anyway. but cheap places might just try a filler job, looks fine for a few months, then you get some plastic retraction through a heat cycle or a knock and the filler will crack out. if its had a glass fibre fill then finished off with filler it should last mucho long time.
  7. have a read here http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/24028-tappet-nightmare/ http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?showtopic=11090
  8. just remembered zeds dont have tappets
  9. tappets i think can be adjusted.
  10. they do fitting there. even if you dont want them to paint it for you (you may have a prefered painter) you can get them to fit it. as its there kit you should have no issues then. most GRP and CF body panels usually require a small amount of fettling. some body shops wont touch it. others will but charge you more. i can't comment on their quality as i've never bought their product, but its not unusual for GRP to require filling before painting, sometimes they have pin holes in tehm that require a quick skim and sand. to be fair i've never heard anythnig bad about the quality of their GRP so in that respect you should be fine.
  11. i had mine removed and smoothed on the front on my nismo. looking at about £150 possibly for the fill and smooth. mine was being painted anyway so that was part of the cost. but bumper spraying is usually around £150-£300 a bumper/panel. i would normally say £250 ish. but it depends where in the country you are as prices vary. cheaper up north. as for the back there are 2 holes left after the badge is removed. so you are looking at a quick fill, may be £50 and then a respray of the rear hatch. probably about £200 on top. again prices vary.
  12. if you wanted that you'd possible need to look at custom paint jobs but again you're looking at big money as the paints needed arent cheap. not only that if its damamged its impossible to match in, so its basically a full respray if you want to repair scratches etc.
  13. i've never asked hexis to custom make a colour, i have a feeling they might do it but you'd be looking at astronomical costs, possible minimum orders etc. there is no custom colour option on their website or in their brouchers, its very much "this is what we offer" etc.
  14. used to work well on TVR's it was kind of their signature paint job. i would say a zed qould carry it off best if it was kitted. a stock car might look not as good.
  15. what are peoples favourite vietnam movie my favourite vietnam movie i think is "we were soldiers" and i quiet like good morning vietnam not a massive platoon fan, apocolapse now is a bit head trippy, full metal jacket is good, but a little dark, hamburger hill was ok.
  16. hexis only have 4 vario chrome finishes and they are listed above, which includes the beetle vario chrome, i think the videos have just shown them as lighter. i have the samples at home and they are darker, but its really difficult to show them in any kind of picture. i forgot i had these; i took them ages ago trying to show another customer the colour change on the vario chromes.
  17. other ones they do are Green-to-blue orange-to-pink gold-to-pink
  18. There are some flip paint style vinyls that hexis do. and from memory they do a purple one similiar to that, am not at home at the moment so cant check my hexis swatches but they do 3 flip paint styles i think the one you want is hexis HX30VVSB variochrome beetle thats the closest they do. and its between £40-£50 a metre i would guess depending on who does the work (that won;t include labour) and you'll need about 10-15 metres at an estimate. this video shows it a little bit but this shows its colour change well
  19. to be honest i think if you drive courtesly you wont have an issue. if you try to keep left as much as you can and leave a decent gap between you and the car in front you'll get left alone.
  20. You can't deny the similarities
  21. Around 3k sounds right for exterior only, but if you go candy expect it to be more.
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