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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. its not prejudice, its an educated and well informed choice through ownership and experience. I've owned: - 306 gti6 (spankingly good FWD car, one of the first cars to have a 6speed box, and used to **** over most other cars) - CIVIC type S Driven: - civc type R current and last gen - 205 GTI - Golf GTI mrk 1,2,3, 4 and 5 also had: mr2 roadster Mid engine, rear wheel and out of all of them, i'd pick a rear wheel drive car over them anyday i loved the GTI6 and it was a great car, handled well, as did alot of the other ones i've driven, but they don't compare for feedback and enjoyment over a rear wheel car. if i ever had to go back to a hatchback, i'd get a BMW 135i, just because its rear wheel drive.
  2. We are taking progress pics all the time so should be do-able. It is the FTO that came to the 350 Thurrock meet that time if you remember it?? As for a Supra engine in a Z, it would be a lot more complex than the conversion we are doing at the moment, engine mounts, wiring looms etc etc. don't some people also do an FTevO by dropping an evo engine into the FTO engine bay?
  3. I love the Clio 182 as a car to borrow every now and then (brother had one), but you never get the control or feel that you do from an RWD setup. Never. Feel is everything, and when you've got two wheels doing both steering and power it's never going to be as pure. Granted a good FWD car can be better than an average RWD one, but I know which I'd prefer to own. +1. The feeling of control as you feed in the power at the apex of a corner with a powerful RWD car can never be anywhere near as good with a FWD. +1 exactly my thinking, and something that was mentioned in another post about MCS
  4. double sided sticky tape syndrome looks like they drove through halfords sorry but to much stuck on pieces for me
  5. agree whole heartedly. i've always preffered evo's over scoobies, but i'd never own one. you take off the spoiler, air scoops and bodykits, and no matter how you look at it you have hyundai saloon styling. its the family mans car on steroids. for me it screams barry boy. i prefer the refinement of the Z, more style, better credentials. mind you if i ever took up rallying, the first thing i would get is an evo
  6. Wasnt that the one that Clarkson test drove and the torque steer near as damn it took him off the track? Looked like a monster! Correct, but it was a lovely car quite possible, but for me the more gadgets you add in to compensate the further away you get from a natural driving feel. and for me regardless of gismo's the best set up is "rear wheels push, front wheels steer" i was always told something that does 2 jobs never does them as well as something that is designed for an individual job. that and FWD caqs understeer like a bitch regardless of power and tools. i'd rather oversteer than understeer, far more fun, easier to correct . most of the time
  7. people always forget about the clutch, if you uprate a cars power and tourque by a large amount, then guarenteed the original clutch will burn out in no time at all. if you go turbo your going to need a better clutch, and while your under there dismantling the gear box, you might as well lob in a lightened flywheel. see how easy it is to start getting new bits that and any kind of after market turbo or super charger is never just a plug in a play unit like standard fit turbo systems. they require constant monitoring, tinkering and tuning. All the lads on the MR2ROC spent loads of time fettling and checking their system. the only unit that didn't require this was the TTE system as this was the only one authorised by toyota and covered under the same warranty. if your not a tinkering type of person i would suggest not going down the FI route. you can't just slap it on and forget about it.
  8. i test drove the supercharged version, dead esy to tune up to well over 200 bhp. a giggle to drive, but just couldn't get on with the interior. and the fact that its FWD. anything over 200 bhp and still front wheel is starting to lack. prime example was the alfa 147 GTA (hot hatch with 240 bhp) FWD and the traction control kicked in all the time.
  9. i was always brought up that when moddin g a car the order to do it in was 1 stopping 2 cornering 3 power getting more ponies is the last thing you do. i have added power mods to my car first only becaus they don't gain anything. i'm happy with the car i have, just want more noise but then i see myself as a competant driver (my view not others ) i haven't done any track days yet, but i have done a bit of go karting, and considering that all the carts are on the same power its a fairly even playing field and should show drivers ability. i tend to way more than 3-4 stone than most people at 16 and 1/2 stone. yet i can keep up with and overtake people alot lighter than me. i like to think i have surprised several people who were expecting me to be at the back. on my last karting day i qualified second on the grid. (my only let down is that from a standing start i do take longer to get up to top speed.
  10. they are a uk based company, just been on their website. i presume their manufacturing is done abroad and they don't seem to offer the exhaust through their website. looks like i'll just have to wait till big phil starts stocking it
  11. they seem to get good ratings in here as well. most of their tyres are in the top 20 http://www.tyrereviews.co.uk/Grid/
  12. well i filled up from empty for £60
  13. its amazing how toyo and falken don't even get into the list i would have chosen them over some of the tyres in there. and the vredesteins work out cheaper than the toyos on mytyres
  14. does that work out to about 45p per litre in the US half price fuel
  15. how much per gallon is it in the US?
  16. he needed to work to a US gallon to see how much we pay compared to him. if he calculated it to a uk gallon it would be the wrong conversion
  17. depends where in the country you are! i'm on the east coast in ipswich. we pay roughly 92.9p for 95 ron 97.9 for 97 ron 99.9 for 98 ron thats pence per litre not sure how many litres to the gallon for a conversion. but its a lot more that the US pay. and 70% of that is tax
  18. Sounds good, not to severe, but nice burble and popple
  19. My pics are on page one thats a nice looking piece of kit. i like the tips and the finish. just that bit more grown up, suits the car.
  20. is there any kind of piccies to show styling. i know its a single cylinder system with dual exit like the scorpion, but i would like to see what it looks like. i like the price of the scorpion system, but i prefered rolled in tips. always think the slash cut tips or non rolled ones look abit boy racer. like the dustbins you find attatched to the rear of a corsa sh1tbox.
  21. see i don't mind the bridgestones i got used to them on the MR2, yes they have their moments when the grip diappears but i always found them progressive, you could feel it and control it. have always been a loyal toyo fan. had them on all my cars. but found on the MR2, when first fitted for the first 300 miles they were aweful. once they were properly scrubbed then they were excellent (initially it felt like driving on jelly, even pulled over on way home after fitting to check to see if something had blown.) never liked the eagle F1's had them on the 306 GTI6, had a very soft tyre wall, Car performed better on pirelli p6000. have been contemplating toyo's again or the falken 452's but these verdestans look interesting. not sure out of the 2 above which ones i would go for; the standards or the sessanta's? do you recon camskills would order them in at a good price? or if they would beable to give any positive feed back. am impressed how well evo rated them. in the top 3 so maybe they are worth ago?
  22. i had the civic 2.2 Type S GT all the trimmings of an r type, but diesel power, and if you get it remapped it has nearly 190 bhp. i liked it, but wanted sportier once my milage got slashed. hence the 350z its abit like marmite some like and some don't, but do see alot around so must be doing something right. also liked the 120D interior is abit plain but then it has the rear wheel advantage. i liked the diesel tourque, especially when doing big milage. could put your foot down in 6th at 70 to overtake and it would just go, no need to down change.
  23. you joke, but thats what i am teachin g my students got to run abusiness some how, and if you can't get students to do it, that just leaves low cost imigration workers.
  24. saying that the standard ultratacs are nice looking tyres too and remind me of the mps. http://ssl.delti.com/cgi-bin/rshop.pl?d ... 110&Achse=
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