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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. anywhere; where all the people are wearing beige corduroy trousers
  2. Wonder what the lady in question would say?
  3. ah ok. if i got the alfa it was going to alfa tune. £300 for a delete and a remap :grin:
  4. lol, shouldnt have checked it on the works laptop
  5. goody, i think i might be free that weekend :grin:
  6. i was planning a DFP removal on any diesel i got as it increase MPG
  7. i respect the R35 for its ability; but i wouldnt want one. i'd have anyone of the 3 ekona mentioned in a heartbeat if the bank man let me have them.
  8. Yeah I was saying to Darren who bought my Leon FR that I only saw the DPF light maybe 3 times in 70k.... It's people that think driving a diesel a couple of miles to the shops is economical that have problems so with my 4 miles each way to work would i be better off with a petrol?
  9. didnt battlefield 3 have this pay system from EA games? i'm sure i bought a 2nd hand game, and then had to pay i think it was £4 to unlock it once it was on my xbox. if its a sysatem like that then i don't think it will kill the 2nd hand market for xbox games. its a shame it won;t read old games, as this means you have to sell all your old games. is it the same on PS4?
  10. Is this game check thing to stop piracy or people cheating on games? Or is it solely to make more money?
  11. Good cars, great fun to drive, steering can be a little light sometimes. Check oil regularly, they can burn a bit so need topping up.
  12. black or carbon will work, i was going to do mine in carbon and dip it, but have since decided to go black for now.
  13. yep my wifi is permanently on, and my xbox is permanently connected to it. but when i was a student it was no different, our wifi had 5 computers continuosly downloading 24/7
  14. i had a PS2 loved it, when i came to buy the replacement i spoke to the guy in the shop and he basically said, PS3 was better, but Xbox had the better games. so i swapped over. have to say i prefer the xbox controller to the PS controller. i think the only swaying factor maybe what do all my mates go and buy. theres no point having a PS4 if all my mates have xbox, as i'll be a billy no mates. it frustrates me as alot of my uni mates are PS based, and other friend groups are xbox based. i'd like to play games against both friends groups without the need to own both games consoles. if both have similiar architecture, whats the likelyhood you could play across both platforms? thats the move they should be making,
  15. You get that with Zed parts. Take a look at whats for sale and then trace its origines back to the states. Nearly everything is the same amount of £'s as Dollars. Thats why Octet has cottened on and dumped the 3rd parties. Ebay is the biggest culprit. I've been shipping stuff in from the states for a long time. Got my his exhaust brought over for me and saved about £200
  16. No I do, and I know which I listen too and which I dismiss. Opinions are like ar$eholes; everyone's got one, and most are full of sh1t!
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