without being a kill joy, this is all a bit silly, but if you want to go racing, do it on the track,
and remember, the police to check car forums, for stuff like this. there have been several convictions where people have incriminated themselves with their own video evidence.
i'm not saying i haven't occassionally slipped over the speed limit. but boasting about doing 2 and a half times the national speed limit on public roads is a bit daft. what if they'd had a blow out, and hit another car.
even that late night A1 run the road wasn't empty. and at those speeds if you hit anything your not just f**ked, but proper F**ked.
each to your own, i'm not your dad or the police, and you can do what you like its your car, life, time etc.
just think maybe the forum is not the right place to promote it.
we get good insurance discounts from being affilated with the site. how many of the affillates would maintain those discounts if they think we're all a bunch of reckless speeders.
not really a rant, more a voice of reason, not trying to insult people or offend. people can listen or ignore its up to them