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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I always thought T-cut was an abrasive, like brasso, it has tiney particles in it that polish out the larger scratches, bit like a liquid piece of wet and dry paper. as for cleaning i had good results from Meguairs wheel cleaner, spray on 1 wheel leave for 15 seconds wash with water, jobs a goodun. don't do all at the same time, as left it could discolour wheels. used sensibly, does no harm at all.
  2. i'm pretty new to the forum, but in the short time here i can see how much of an integral cog Big phil is. i have never met the man or your family, but my sincerest apologies for the situation you all find yourself. i hope that Phil makes a speedy and full recovery.
  3. i wouldn't want to do that on a test drive, those excesses are very high
  4. domething i had done before was to have a universal sports cat grafted in on the original pipe work, not sure if its possible with the zed but jetex do a few nice units http://www.jetex.co.uk/website/catalysts.php
  5. ok now i'm interested again, looked in to it a while back got put off by the price. now i might get some before the exhaust. so many things i want and not enough money to get them
  6. if you can find them for £300 then your doing well. i checked envy and there around £450 ebay were about the same.
  7. their demonstration of how much BHP you can wring out of a 2 litre engine is impressive, but once your up to those figures the engine must b so highly strung. you kinda think its all a bit pointless when you can get a v6 to do more power without the complications and hassle. i know the rallying rules and why they do it. but unless your rallying whats the point? i'd rather by a lower spec version, and use it as a day to day driver than get the top spec one and take it to the garage once a month for a service. in fact, even though its slower, i'd actually keep my zed over that. and i like evos. always an evo over a scooby. always saw scoobies as a chavs car.
  8. first one looks like she slid drivers nose into the fence, rear followed round, up and over the already sloping (after the hit) fence, taking the rear wheel off the axle, and then gentle to a standstill perched upon the fence. both look impressive.
  9. without being a kill joy, this is all a bit silly, but if you want to go racing, do it on the track, and remember, the police to check car forums, for stuff like this. there have been several convictions where people have incriminated themselves with their own video evidence. i'm not saying i haven't occassionally slipped over the speed limit. but boasting about doing 2 and a half times the national speed limit on public roads is a bit daft. what if they'd had a blow out, and hit another car. even that late night A1 run the road wasn't empty. and at those speeds if you hit anything your not just f**ked, but proper F**ked. each to your own, i'm not your dad or the police, and you can do what you like its your car, life, time etc. just think maybe the forum is not the right place to promote it. we get good insurance discounts from being affilated with the site. how many of the affillates would maintain those discounts if they think we're all a bunch of reckless speeders. not really a rant, more a voice of reason, not trying to insult people or offend. people can listen or ignore its up to them
  10. now that i likey a lotty more my style, very jap street racer
  11. no predicted snow in suffolk either
  12. bonnet gaps are a little big, but at least even, but i love those wheels.
  13. was just looking at the alloys, are they Rays wheels, but painted black? both them and the photos look good.
  14. all the exta bits at the front has made it look like its got a tout pout. or fish mouth. not the aggressive look i would be going for.
  15. mine only needs to hit 88 mph, and then the flux capacitor does the rest
  16. might also bbe worth checking with people in the know on which tunnels are speed camera fitted, as some people occassionally and accidentially slip over the limit when making noise in tunnels. and giving people a heads up might help the over enthusiastic people out there. most have signs up anyway. but they are deviously hidden
  17. would love to come, but i have a family meal to atten. both mine and my parents in laws are all going to a pub to celebrate an early xmas as we will both be out of the country at the end of the month.
  18. thats the fastest moving exhaust i've seen todate.
  19. nope my sausage fingers hit the wrong button in my haste to write the message have corrected it now
  20. Happy birthday Ekona AKA Dan Morgan just realized you share it on the same *dad* (edit) as my day, which has reminded me i need to ring him tomorrow and congratulate him. have a great day, and will catch up soon, as i need to see what you've done to your Zed.
  21. roadster motoring is great. i used to love dropping the top on the MR2 great times other than when its sunny is on a clear night, and a crisp winter morning. people think your nuts, but its great.
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