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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i think you can only raise him 2, as the 3rd one loks like a bangcok landy boy
  2. i love the elise and exige, especially the S2 version, it was what i was originally going to get instead of the Zed, but i was told no by the wife, due to practicality and the fact that she refuses to get in them, and we use my car as the weekend runner. she deems a are with no carpet as not a proper car. but may well get one at a later date, when i can afford to run it as a secod car for weekends and track days maybe when i'm 50
  3. it might balance out when the rest of the wide arch kit goes on, as currently it does look very nose heavy. but to be honest it does look like he was building a knight industries two thousand all he is missing is a david hassellhoff to drive it
  4. i like the look of them when they're stock. lambo did a good job to start with. when you start getting into that price range of car, i can't see the point of modifying. (yes i know that you can make it go faster, and thats fair enough) but tinkering with the interior, i would only do with a damaged seat or something, and even then i would keep to more authentic colouring. but if the person likes it, who are we to spoil their fun.
  5. remember how many times your desktop screws up and gives you retarded messages, when actually its something else, or doesn't even tell you what the problem is, just that its not happy and refuses to do what you tell it to the car ECU is not really any different.
  6. did no one tell the designer that the late 80's were over 20 years ago. i think he has created the new miami rice, chase car (miami vice )
  7. i will hopefully be running the pioneer avic f500 bt, which has a built in adapter for pluging your ipod into your unit. which should mean i can use that for ipod connection into the standard head unit. just got to get round to dismantling the dash and creating the mould for making the holder for the unit in the cubby, and then wire it all up. will hopefully get onto this in the new year, as i'm away over xmas, but i will do a full photo diary as i go, for others who are interested. and once i've made a mould i can make new cubby boxes up to order.
  8. going down a hill, poor breaking, makes me wonder if your low on brake fluid?
  9. sorry to hear this and all the best for the future, and i suppose as decisions go its not one that can't be undone in the future. with phil and andys expertise there is no reason they couldn't start up a new business in a couple of years time when phil is back to full strength. i'm fairly certain that because of his name and reputation it would be easy to rebuild a loyal customer base in a fairly short time. all the best for what ever you all do, and a speedy recovery for phil
  10. the only mod i'm aware of that will give noticable change to performance is the plenum spacers. all other mods like exhaust, induction etc are cancelled out, untill you add a piggyback ecu or a replacement ECU. then they make the difference. but the search button is your best friend here as its a topic regualrly covered.
  11. the skline engine looks like a serious piece of kit. bet that gives you a good kick in the back when you give it some beans.
  12. welcome along thought i'd get in before anybody else just have to wait and see what the admin team say
  13. i like the look of the front end. i prefer it like that without the wider wheel arches.
  14. my back gets quite warm, but the seat doesn't just a minor anoyance. maybe when next winter comes round i will have had some time to dismantle it and find out why.
  15. without any pics of the software running, its difficult to tell as all we can see is a blank screen. look behind the pasenger seat, in the tiny cubby should be the DVD unit, which should tell you what your running
  16. sounds like a plan. watched the end of the final last night, what a vomit fest. i could not put up with all the sobbing, and wailing, and all over a contract which will see the record companies earn millions and the winner out of work by next xmas.
  17. might have to take a look, see if its a loose connection
  18. so anybody able to tell me this ? should heat the base and back elements in both wonder why its not warming my botty up then?
  19. already sky plused it and set the series link, but how do you find stuff like this out
  20. i would have walked as well. sounds like you made the right decision. when things don't add up its usually for a reason, probably hiding something.
  21. your gut is a very good sense when it comes to buying cars. i've walked away before, not feeling sure about a car, did an HPI check and found out it was a CAT D. couldn't tell you how i knew it wasn't right, but for some reason, my gut knew. so what was the unanswered question
  22. i can't work out how strapping a dump valve to a universal air filter qualifies as a super charger? and what the hll would it actually do?
  23. has been said before, it also depends on the driver. i'm not saying your a bad driver, but it has been mentioned before that some good drivers can keep up in a crap car against someone who is less expereienced in a faster car. for instance, redlining the zed of gear changes isn't the most optimal change point, the touque drops off at around 5500 (i think from memory, can normally tell by the feel) may be they had the revs high already so was already in vtec mode when you pulled off. but to be honest that wouldn't make much difference. could easily have been played with and tuned up.
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