don't tell me about electrical systems, mine has been off the road SORN now for 6 weeks, trying to track down an ABS fault. i've finally given in and its going to a specialist at the weekend. so far i've been out with the multimeter checked all the sensor,s the harnesses, replaced the ABS ECU, replaced both front hubs as the speed rings were damaged. still no luck and £700 and still no fix yet. only thing left to replace on the system is the rear hubs and the ABS pump. but before i do that i'm getting the bloke in Penge to check its not a fuse or other issue i didn;t for see. but once done it should be the last of the big jobs done. apart from the respray. then its off to sell it and get a diesel for the forth coming kids. will be a shame as i'll have just built the perfeect XKR which is now future proofed for the next owner of all the major faults as i've sorted them.
so in short. old cars and old electrics can mean problems. but are great fun to work on. since owning my XKR i've learnt even more about bodywork, rust removal, brake systems, electrical work. i've designed my own exhaust, derusted a car, re wired, and rebuilt lots of parts and its been alot of fun learning along the way.
so if you do buy an old car buy a sorted one thats been looked after, it will save you in the long run.