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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. thats only harm to another human being. and not harm to their vehicle
  2. its like the slave trade; if you bought and you feed it, then its yours
  3. have to agree, if i caught anyone hurting my animals i'd bring a whole world of hurt their way.
  4. I have 2 cats, do as ekona says and use the pepper. As for those suggesting an air rifle that's not very sensible. Its someones pet. You might not appreciate them but someone does. You'd be pretty upset if someone ran over your dog.
  5. where abouts in suffolk i'm over in kesgrave
  6. i hope he makes a full recovery
  7. The way it was explained I thought it was the nuts that failed. Need sleep and to read threads more clearly
  8. I'd ring Nissan and ask them to fix it, get them to book it in with a local Nissan dealership to remove them for free. That is if they are brand new and only just fitted.
  9. Just to clarify is it your original locking wheel nut or new nuts supplied with the spacers. Most spacers only have nuts to hold the spacer on and you re use your own wheel nuts. Or did you get new locking nuts? Its not un common for locking nuts, especially oem ones to shear off. The jag ones do it and I've heard of some vw ones do it. Its often worth upgrading to mcgaurd ones.
  10. don't tell me about electrical systems, mine has been off the road SORN now for 6 weeks, trying to track down an ABS fault. i've finally given in and its going to a specialist at the weekend. so far i've been out with the multimeter checked all the sensor,s the harnesses, replaced the ABS ECU, replaced both front hubs as the speed rings were damaged. still no luck and £700 and still no fix yet. only thing left to replace on the system is the rear hubs and the ABS pump. but before i do that i'm getting the bloke in Penge to check its not a fuse or other issue i didn;t for see. but once done it should be the last of the big jobs done. apart from the respray. then its off to sell it and get a diesel for the forth coming kids. will be a shame as i'll have just built the perfeect XKR which is now future proofed for the next owner of all the major faults as i've sorted them. so in short. old cars and old electrics can mean problems. but are great fun to work on. since owning my XKR i've learnt even more about bodywork, rust removal, brake systems, electrical work. i've designed my own exhaust, derusted a car, re wired, and rebuilt lots of parts and its been alot of fun learning along the way. so if you do buy an old car buy a sorted one thats been looked after, it will save you in the long run.
  11. wow, thats an amazing tripfest china looks stunning
  12. Maybe, its a difficult one too call.
  13. S2000 is a great car, had one, but again its more a cult car than a future classic
  14. Only the 911 will likely see classic status, the others might make cult cars. The Z3m is a good choice. The x100 xk's from jag are starting to go up in value as well. And as the rot so well it will speed up the increase as more get scrapped over the next 5 years. No longer in production. And first car was built 1996 so the model is already 17 years old. And I reckon in the next 2 years they'll cease production of the x150 as the f type will replace it.
  15. Apexi offer the best filtration and performance. Other filters offer gains but sacrifice filtration to get them. All good filters. Apexi are hard to get hold of. Any of the above would surfice.
  16. That jonny gun is bloody hilarious, Pmsl. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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