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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. that night blue looks great. as for foaming, water pressure can have a big effect, i need to upgrade mine sometime as i get more of a cream than a foam, but i only have the baby bosch pressure washer.
  2. rtbiscuit


    that shouldn't work but it does looks a bit gangster
  3. replacement shocks or coil overs, just need to decided what suits you/your wallet better there are a range of coil overs out there, some around the same price as the BC, have to say only heard good things about them, also HSD are supposed to be good.
  4. night shots are great, if you can find a quiet bridge over a dual carriage way and do some long exposers can look good, with the right ligting you can highlight the car, and then in the background you get all the traffic leaving light trails in the background. might need a ladder to get some height to shoot down on the car and traffic.
  5. if you hadn't realsied i live in suffolk
  6. ultra urban - - canary warf in london - felixstowe docks (pick somewhere like shotley and you can shot back with the docks in the background.) - lakeside carparks - industrial estates - bentwaters air base (suffolk again) - up at shotley i think is the old HMS gangees, its derelict, but i don;t know what access there is. - colchester footy club Rural - - Aldebrugh (suffolk) - rendelsham forest (suffolk) - shingle street (suffolk) - dedham (colchester way ) -
  7. Given your for the 350/370 in comparison to your jag and S2000 at every opportunity on here, no wonder really We all left you behind exiting Dartford toll booth quite some time ago. Don't tell me you weren't pushing thats called traffic; its very easy to push on when someone is still behind the barriers and re: my comments on the 350/370 i rgularly tell people its a good car, and it didnt suit my driving style where the others did. what i often give is an honest reflection not from behind zed tinted glasses. the zed is a good al rounder; which is what ive said time and time again
  8. i enjoyed it, was nice to see some normal cars like the hot hatches, not seen any of them before apart from the new 208 gti which i saw on friday and thought it looks good. launch of the new car ...meh not that bothered, wasnt rivetting, but was watchable. see i'm the other way round, i find 5th gear completely sleep worthy, i'm obviously more juvernile than most on here as for making the 370Z the resonable pirced car :lol: breath :lol: and the fact that they must be wrong because some fat old man said a 350z was poo. big woops just becuase clarkson gave it the thumbs down doesnt suddenly stop you enjoying it lots of others rated the zed take comfort in that if you need it. you all take the pi$$ out of my XKR doesnt mean your right, and hasnt stopped me enjoying it or smiling when i over take 350Z's its an entertainment programme, it either entertains you or it doesnt, if it doesnt don't watch it. I find STD test uncomfortable, doesnt mean i go back every week to see if its got any better in the blind hope i might enjoy it on one visit.
  9. Very nice, have always been a fan of the altezza
  10. Pedal dance is a pig to read. If you do it, get a mate to help you to get the timings right. Also what garage was it so others can avoid?
  11. Its not that bad, but it aunt that great either
  12. See my post above, as long as the CEL isn't flashing you can drive it. As for getting a 2nd car, the zeds not worth enough to warrant doing that. Just drive it and enjoy it.
  13. If the light is on you can still drive it, just get it checked. If its flashing then pull over and get towed. Check the forum for the OBDII thread.
  14. If you're Newcastle way, I'd go see the boys at falcon performance.
  15. Where are you located, there are lots of us like me who have code readers, most won't mind helping you read the code.
  16. That's not what I was getting at. It could be a place someone has dealt with before, could be a genuine error. Just need the full story, not the half bits. And if its a bad garage its good to now so people go there aware in the future.
  17. Sorry to hear this, where did you buy it from?
  18. Its only money making if you take longer than 2 weeks to come back, and if your in that time frame they just check the fail parts not the whole test.
  19. Looks good, I see you didn't go for the faded look in the end?
  20. I prefer the painted. Also if you want some logos cut for your plenum or engine cover or front strut and I can sort it for you.
  21. Darwin award guaranteed and then received.
  22. not used 10k ive always used bg44k, sounds like similar stuff.
  23. Plastic dip is rubber paint in a can. Hydro graphic dipping is floating a film on water and pushing a product through it.
  24. looking forward to seeing the progress on this
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