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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. People always want the best for the least Rich. I think they are good value at that price to be honest. What price do you put on individuality. I'm gonna email Rob when I get home from work in 2 weeks and see if he can make me up a new badge for the Z32. Something a little different. They've always been controversial, a real splitter of opinions. I like his stuff the only thing I didn't use was the nose badge on mine, the other bits worked well. I too will be getting rob to help me sort out new badges for the jag once re painted.
  2. The original Tommy badge was about £60, but they are no longer available, the likewise art was half the price at £30 and replacement Nissan oem are about £20. All the other badges came after to create a set.
  3. Photos don't do them justice, they look very different in the flesh. There is a lot more depth to them than the camera picks up.
  4. for those that have been round a while you may remember the likwid art badges that i got sorted for people. they were based on the tommy k badge but didnt require you to seel your wife to purchase them. and they looked something like this he also did a full car set that looked like this well i was on the phone to him the other day and mentioned that it wasnt to everyones cup of tea and we got chatting and came up with a revised version. so these are the new ones. not sure what peoples thoughts are, but if you're interested drop me a line and i can sort you out with 1/ a set etc
  5. i'm so sharing that round my department
  6. It always makes me think the bonnet doesn't fit still like it though.
  7. If you un twine it and tie the sections together it can be between 3 & 6 times longer depending on manufacturer. And then there are variables on which knot you tie them with, how much you use to tie them. And alternatively you could tie the ends together in a ring, which would then mean the string was infinite in length.
  8. i don't know, but anyone who uses the term "Super Cool" in a for sales thread needs flogging
  9. if you moved or renamed any folders in PB it can screw withthe links
  10. since those were taken one of the charge coolers peeled due to over heating, but its booked to be redone just got to take it back. also added decals to the coil covers and intake, the pics arent great as it was late so it all looks very dark, but the colour is very pretty.
  11. it did i went for jaguar amathyst purple need to get som enew shots with all the decals back on
  12. as for the CX they had apparently shelved that project due to the recession, i didnt know it was back on the books. i hope they make it, would be great seeing these out on the road. with that, the F type, the new range of XF and XJ's and the future 3 series rival in the pipe line, Jaguar are really starting to make a name for themselves again.
  13. i wouldn't be suprised if the zed got shelved for a while and then brought back at a later date.
  14. was going to say at least it was a kind of armco there.
  15. if you like the GTR bumper then maybe look at the ings front bumper, a bit more subtle and its not GTR in your face.
  16. yes the car driving was bad, but has no one seemed to notice the completely inadequate setup from the organisers. how anyone thought some mobile railings would offer any protection to a crowd. i think its like rallying if you chose to stand that close you do so at your own risk.
  17. if you're stayinng the same colour i would guestimate about £2.5k to £3k, if its a colour change exterior only add possibly another £500 - £1000 although could be less. but thats just exterior panels. if you want door internals, engine bay and boot to match your looking at more like £5k-£6k all depends on who is local to you as prices vary massively.
  18. i'm there today as well funnily enough,
  20. i'd stick with your MX5
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