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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. the black lustre is just a metallic black, the pic you have seen is a close up so people can see the flake in it. it does look black from a distance, its just close up its designed to look more like a painted metallic finish, i've not had a roof done in it yet, so you would be the first in the club, all the others i've sold have wither been carbon or gloss, and i think 1 lot of matte.
  2. all the best, hope it went well, Enjoy the Honeymoon!!!!
  3. my friends 9 year old daughter got an ipad for her recent birthday, but it was on the proviso that the apple account was done by her mum (or something like that) it basically means her mum is copied in on all emails etc that are sent from the Ipad. she recently got in trouble as she had messaged my wife at about 9pm who sent one back saying "shouldn't you be asleep" kept getting messages so we rang her mum who then comfiscated it for a week same rule applys to kids as to relationships, there has to be trust there or it doesnt work. but having some safety net and a small amount of control is not a bad thing with children as they don't always understand moderation, or what is or isn't right.
  4. all these terms your talking about are like russian to me, "crackchat" "backupsmurf" all i got out of your last post was "topless" i suppose that says more about me than this thread really these are all things i've never thought to look for or use as cheating hasn't really been a priority in my marriage; i trust my wife, and i think she trusts me. i do have this small lumpunder my skin on my back and i swear it has a flashing LED in it. anyway yeah we have trust in our relationship.
  5. as Ekona said, wouldnt you have a burn phone if you were up to no good? thats like a terrorist mail ordering bombmaking equipment ot his own house with label on the package saying "WARNING BOMB MAKING EQUIPMENT" on it.
  6. I do love the car snobs on here, this is a Nissan we're talking about. A solid reliable Japanese performance car that is no longer new, but is not yet old. As with most in the same genre they are affordable and good value for money. At the end of the day we're not talking about Ferrari's here. There are still a few of us on here who either bought new or near new when the zed came out and paid a lot more for the zed.
  7. asking prices and selling prices are 2 seperate things. what people are asking for them may be going up, but it doesnt mean what they're selling for is going up. or if people are achieving their asking price. i do think you'll struggle on that budget, but you never know there could be someone looking for a quick sale who would sell cheap.
  8. Away from the norm? It's a normal F with the go faster bits from the XKR-S, some carbon tat and a hump behind the driver seat! alright its not the best example but they also cut down the windscreen as well
  9. well its called plastidip to start with, so maybe why they havent heard of "plastisol" Is it a temporary parasol nope you drink it and apply it anally like a wet fart
  10. well its called plastidip to start with, so maybe why they havent heard of "plastisol"
  11. Kinda my point. It's a waste. i like it that the company isnt afraid to do stuff away from the norm. its project like that which make a company interesting. the XJ220 was built a s a weekend project by its engineers and then became a real project. if it spikes enough interest they may well build a stripped race version.
  12. Just a fun project for goodwood, this isn't going to be a production car as far as I'm aware
  13. its missing part of the letter, it should say UberCharged
  14. Nope mine is polished, purple and carbon
  15. where in the UK are you, makes a difference for reccomending people. no point in me telling you of a company in bedfordshire, if your in scotland.
  16. filter looks like a cheap ebay job, as for the Cats, are they definetly cats or are they resonated de cat pipes? can you see a filter matrix inside? if they are hi flow cats, then they are worth keeping and sticking on the car.
  17. if you want woven stainless mesh to DIY with http://www.wovenwire.../cargrilles.htm you will need to bond/or weld the cut edges to stop it coming apart. but its good stuff, and if you ewant it black, try plasti dipping it or getting it powder coated. normal car paint will just chip off it.
  18. That's some pretty frickin' accurate measuring! micrometer?
  19. cat driver training days are good, they run them on airfields, and as your the only on eon track at the time there is nothing to hit but cones. they do taster days for about £40 where you get very little tuition, but can have a go at a range of course setups and try it yourself. or you can book in properly with them for proper driver trainer days, where you'll have an expeirneced driver sit in with on laps and give you feed back an dguidance on your driving and how to improve and get the most out of your driving. i would tempted to start off there and get the basics nailed first then move on to track days where you can then apply your knowledge.
  20. mines work in process, have a single garage, have painted the walls white, boarded the pitched roof above, fitted work bench along the bakc, have power and light in it. jobs still to do, insulate and plasterboard the ceiling, fit a loft hatch, fit tool board, lay flooring, insulate garage door. fit strip lights get more tool boxes, mount my wood lathe on my second bench, fit my bench grinder and vice, and should be good to go. oh and put some posters up.
  21. for best fit, try cutting the fins out, then mounting the mesh up from behind, this will mean the fins arent visible anymore and there are no gapped edges. the whole thing can then be all bonded on out of sight, and no need for trim finishers then as well. but what you have done looks good. just becareful of the black finish on that mesh, it hips easy and once moisture gets in it rusts and the paint peels off.
  22. Leon i dont envy you on that job, it is nice dealing with new bits,
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