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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i usually use the inbuilt google nav on my android phone as its very good. in your opinion do you think its a contender or needs more work still? i like to think i'm fairly tech savvy, but i'm fginding of recent i am some what left behind as i just dont use that many apps, or can be bothered to search for them, so its only when someone reccomends one that i bother to look. i think i'm more a hardware than software kind of person.
  2. when i sprayed mine i took them off the car, and made up some small wooden wedges to hold the handles in the open position, then taped all the back section up to keep them there and keep the paint out.
  3. i was going to say that looks fcuked, but i think the technical term is "proper Fcuked!!!"
  4. fuel economy is worse in winter. like your self the air is more dense in winter more air means more fuel burnt to match the 2 together. you get better performance in the winter, but worse economy. where its the opposite in the summer (mainly at low speeds) thats why you might get enghine bogging down at low speeds in very hot weather.
  5. look very tidy, welcome to the world of 20" tyre hunting. very limited and very expensive
  6. Cobra shouldn't drone as far as I'm aware
  7. If its got this far in life then the nikasil bore liners will be fine. If it hasn't had already, you'll need to replace all the timing chains and Tensioners. The plastic Tensioners break eventually taking the engine with it. The new mark vi Tensioners are metal and work fine. Budget about 1k for the work. If the gear box hasn't had the oil changed it will need doing, budget abut £500. As for the rust its common over the rear sills and arches. What you see is where its at, with that rust, it will need chopping out and filling. Most likely the bumper mounts will have started to corrode as well. Also check under the car, the foot wells can suffer as well. And the old exhaust and cats rust, They are solid and fairly reliable cars. There are 2 types of xk's cheap ones and expensive ones. Expensive ones tend to need nothing doing so cost very little to run. Cheap ones tend to need money spending on them, usually bringing the final bill to the same as an expensive
  8. Contemplated them, but had read mixed reviews.
  9. As long as the paint underneath is good the vinyl should be removable leaving the paint in perfect condition underneath. Best to use heat to remove, same as in application,
  10. very clean finish, what does the logo say on the caliper, i cant read it for some reason?
  11. actually a bit of moisture makes it more fun, easier to break traction and have more slidy fun
  12. wishbone replacement, speak to alex or keyser, probably 2 hours labour to change one. might also need to purchase droplinks as well, depends what other damage there is. also its often quicker if you can just cut off the drop links to replace the wishbone than trying to remove them normally.
  13. this is what we're aiming for, we've just not got round to sittinng down and transferinng all the direct debits
  14. @*!#! What if it has been crashed repaired, how would I check for this? check for different colour paints on the innside of panels, doors etc, check panel gaps, look underneather are there areas that look out of place, like more clean that other areas, usually a sign of replaced parts. are bits missing or bent in hidden places like under the undertray.
  15. Good man Rich @ OP - Where are you based - someone near maybe able to help EDIT: Ha you beat me Where in Devon are you? its the whole point of a forum, i've been helped inn the past on previous forums and learnt so many things, and its the same on here, its always worth putting back in to a club, especially when there is so much available on here for free. its also nice meeting new people.
  16. yep you're a mug....or an old fashioned gentleman we're a 50/50 household share everything even my farts
  17. if your in or near suffolk you can pop round to mine and i'll do it for you and check the car over. got all the kit needed to clean a MAF and to fix vac leaks. no charge or cost, just helping out a forum member.
  18. we keep meaning to set up a joint account for bills that we both pay into, been married 5 years nearly and still havent got round to it. my issue with full joint account setup is not that my wife would spend my money, its that i'd spend hers, i just check whats left at the end of the month and go buy something for the car so we keep it, that we both have our own accounts and split the bills and grocery shopping down the middle.
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