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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. If its soft it means the clear coat is too thick and applied too quickly. Leaving the evaporating agent trapped under the harder outer shell.
  2. De cats are the rasp generators. Custom builds are only as good as the builder and his knowledge. My xkr is a custom built. I designed it and got my fabricator to make it. He is a long life franchise and was very good. Knew his stuff and did a superb job. And a good price.
  3. rtbiscuit


    Love the Rx, nearly got one instead of the xkr. Like others said do your research and you should be fine
  4. It is very big in the USA and well respected. You don't see much over here as very little is actually shipped here, and thus making it more expensive. If it was available when I need an oil change its always my first choice.
  5. Only 9 are you a eco freak or something 10 minimum i don't know if its diet or the weather, but i seem to be dropping stealth turds, you know they left the bomb bay, but when you wipe theres no evidence and nothing in the bowl? the stealth turd
  6. i thought you might all like to know i had a southern fried chicken wrap for lunch today, and this afternoon when i will probably go to the loo i'm most likely to use 9 sheets of paper.
  7. paints4u spray nozzles are as close as you'll get to a spray gun as for taping up basically i taped up everything i didnt want to spray paint.
  8. i'm waiting for the new vreds vorti's to be released in that size, currently running falken 452's they are great in this tyre size.
  9. i use it when i can get hold of it, expensive, but i like to use it. could i notice the difference....ummm....no, but i'd chose it over alot of other stuff.
  10. i get my paint from www.paints4u.com best stuff around, i try and avoid the halfrauds own stuff.
  11. Can't see why not, but you'd need to speak to rob, I can't make those kind of decisions.
  12. I've came from a 1.2 fiesta haha! I had an ep3 type R beforehand... I've got to be honest tho, I'm not falling in love with this car like I thought I would. I'm not even sure why, it looks great, goes pretty well and all but that feeling isn't their. I actually had more fun in the civic.
  13. Quoted direct from the Urban dictionary A derogatory term for someone of pakistani or arabian decent Eh...did you know Ruan's dad is gay? Isit? who's Ruan? That stupid Jo-dack http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jodack
  14. thanks graham, i did try to do the sensible thing and reported his first post, but he went down hill quicker than i thought
  15. wow racist humor...you really are the chessy end of a leepers nob
  16. sorry who are you? Same to you? alright i'll bite Me i've been here since 2008 bought the 350z when it was still new out. have owned a variety of japanese performance cars and euro performance cars, i've dismantled and rebuilt most of them or know them well enough to fix most issues on all of them.I've clocked up hours on a range of tracks around the UK, i was in the qualifiers for the nissan free race. and engineer by trade and a teacher by profession. and been to enough meets on several clubs that most people know me by face and name. and if it makes any difference i'm only just in my 30's so i'll repeat my first question... Who are you?
  17. i would guess that the price is the same for both the tommy k style and the new nissan style. I know the tommy design covered the 2 holes, but i don;t know about the new ones. if you ask rob for a tracing of it you can trial fit before you buy, then let others know if it does or doesnt fit. but from the pictures above i would think that it should.
  18. i thought it only fair to update the current prices, I rang rob up and had a chat with him about cost and price, did a bit of haggling and Rob said he is happy to offer the following prices for club members as you're all such a nice bunch.
  19. Just to make sure its clear to all; i don;t really think Ian is dense, it jjust fitted the topic
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