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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. they look quiet tempting, i'm still narrowing my search for the new baby wagon i think i might put the diesel option on the list.
  2. is that the new 3 series competitor from jag? looks very tidy
  3. to be fair to the guys who put that togehter; that is some impressive turd polishing. i honestly thought that song was so bad (the orignal) that it should only be dealt with by fire. as a tongue in cheek production i thought they did a good job. I'm still only ever going to listen to it once, as i think if you listen twice it causes spontanious cereberal hemeraging and a brain tumor; leaving you in a vegative state for life. (WARNING)
  4. Still think its ken hom..... I have proof
  5. Just looked again, don't know why I didn't spot it; its only ken hom in your garden, that guy is a culinary genius.
  6. just do the panels you need doing, front bumper wings and bonnet, and get it done some where with a good reputation, you dont want to have to deal with having to go back for rework, or arguing the toss with a company on if they did or did not do a good job. the place near me is very good, and can sort a courtesy car as well, they are BMW approved, accredited and winner several times over for the best bodyshop award. the work always matches and comes with a good gaurentee, either i think its 10 years, but it could be a lifetime gaurentee i'm not sure. they did all the bodykit work on my old zed, and also they helped with the XKR as well. if you want i can give them a buzz and get a rough estimate for what you want. you'd still need to take the car to them for a more accurate quote.
  7. guide price is about 200-300 a panel. thingsa like bonnets and bumpers tend to be about £100 more
  8. and definetly dont bring an SMD home unless you've had it fully checked out, and vaccinated, and make sure its house trained.
  9. That's easy BBK = a top notch down to earth decent guy......who's into some kinky arse sh1t!!!!!!
  10. Ok so yes back to my initial statement. Paints too thick. It will take weeks too dry and even then its not gaurenteed
  11. Without being there in person its very hard to diagnose the problem. Sounds like the paint hasn't gone off
  12. if its soft and you can squidge it you could try baking it in the oven or stickng it under an infrared heatlamp. not sure on temp and time and you run a risk of it drying too quick and then cracking. at a guess try 100 degrees for 10 min.
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