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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. on a lighter note i thought this might cheer people up and kind of explains the world away
  2. apparently a few people are on their meriods, suffering from some manstration pains. but i've not seen any threads with people raging, but to be fair i haven't really been looking. not alot of posts worht reading at the moment,
  3. this forum has a lot of sufferers of SMS and SPS, its a terrible affliction that makes the sufferer agressive and confrontational, and requires the need to show off uncontrollably. thankfully at 5ft10 i'm immune
  4. I'd rather have aids Good AIDS or Bad AIDS? And it's a 911 they should've bought are you discounting Squaids?
  5. if they're in budget, then get the michelins
  6. Both the vreds and toyos you mention are both going out of production. If you want vred's look at the vorti. As for Toyo I wouldn't bother. I had the fallen 452's they are actually good Tyres but they need to be on a low profile and wide width, which stock zed wheels don't give them. They then become a very useable Tyre. From what your budget is suggesting the Michelin pilot super sports aren't going to be on the list. They are a good Tyre, but everyone has a budget. If it was me I'd be looking at the vorti's, not sure they do them in zed fitment. If not then the falkens 453.
  7. Not really a short shifter just makes the change a hotter throw. Zed gearbox is good but its setup as a get cruiser not a race car. Good for ease of overtaking and the lack of needing to have to change gear lots and use the torque
  8. S2000 has far better steering feel and feedback, its a lot lighter and darts and brakes with a lot more ease. And because you have to use the gearbox slot to make the most of the 9000 rev range it feels a lot more driver involved. Its also more finely balanced and I'd say requires more concentration to drive. Zed is more user friendly its extra weight make it easier to catch when the back goes possibly more progressive on breakaway.
  9. A lot more driver focussed great handling car, space can be an issue. I had more fun in the stook than the zed. But zed was more practical. Difference in how the power is delivered really makes both cars a very personal choice. Go and try one at least before discounting it. Power isn't everything. More driver focused maybe Elise or vx. But your compromise is space and creature comforts.
  10. You need a nut splitter or more likely you'll end up needing to cut the spacer off.
  11. They have been sold, so time will tell if the new tvr owners do anything with the name
  12. Dammit, Ian beat me too it
  13. Carbon bonnets aren't always lighter either. The stock aluminium ones are quiet light
  14. No longer available, as no one was previously interested I sold the one and only one I'd done and the exchange strut all in one go.
  15. I love the rx8 shame the mpg is rubbish
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