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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I find it funny, I've had people on here threaten to turn up on my doorstep, at which pointed I laughed. Prejudice is usually a sign of a poor education, a lack of intelligence and poor parenting. When I used to date a black girl from the Caribbean I was asked by a bloke on a bus if I felt dirty after sleeping with her? My reply was do you feel dirty after you sleep with your mum?
  2. Both india and America are ex British colonies, so still British the zed has an engine shared with Renault, doesn't make the zed French.
  3. Fixed. Mines pre Indian wasnt Jag owned by ford before so american? The uk division where the car was designed in the uk, built in the uk, I'd say that makes it fairly british
  4. It can be done, they have done in the states. But its setting it all up with an ECU. And the cost verses the returns puts most off.
  5. More hassle than its worth with minimal gains
  6. Me and smd know the feeling, we bought jags, and the amount of people slagging them off; must be jealous.
  7. That's not a real thing people actually buy, is it? I know the garage in the video its the other side of town from me, just round the corner from our other property.
  8. Bloody Europeans, coming over here...stealing our fuel!!!
  9. Place has cameras, that's what they're for.
  10. I know, lol, i was originally waiting to see the outcome of you dipping them and i would have bought them off you. I don't think Carbon would work with my car as it stands though hence me looking at spraying instead. That would be very helpful, thankyou. I'll contact you after payday if you still have them and want to sell them as my Birthday celebrations next week will probably empty my bank account. Jon Just drop me a line if you want them
  11. Sounds about right, especially as that's about £700 in Tyres alone.
  12. I have a spare set of door handles if that's any use? Was going to dip them but just not got round to it.
  13. My comment was more for people caught doing that speed with that attitude....well just him
  14. Its like being back in 2002.....when that song first came out
  15. Is it Sharia law that if caught stealing they chop your hand off? Could it be modernised... if your caught speeding they cut off your accelerator foot.
  16. Noting both of you as I do you're probably right. You both enjoy a verbal tussle. Neither of you will lose any sleep over this. But as you say others seem to still have their panties in a right knot.
  17. I'm not taking sides on this one there are points in that thread you both make that I agree with. And others I don't. What ever foreplay you too enjoy is up to you both with regards to other posters I plead the 5th on that
  18. I found the red light thread after I posted that then realised it was you too. I
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