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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Yep I watched him pick up a bottle clearly labelled cif sink cleaner, I watched him apply it, clamp it etc. And then waited. 30 minutes later he came to see me. Sir my woods not gluing. I asked him what he used. He said glue. I told him to get me the bottle. Then I told him to read it. He read it, I asked him, why do you think its not stuck? His reply.......I don't know. I can teach monkeys to make high quality furniture, but I can't combat stupidity....which is generally passed down from the parents
  2. I blame the parents. Think of it this way, you can't polish a turd or...sometimes its like putting lipstick on a pig. I can only mould what the parents give me.
  3. I had a kid last year try and stick 2 bits of wood together with cif sink cleaner
  4. This part worries me! You should be able to take corners as fast if not faster than a FWD car of similar chassis/spec....obviously this is not a rule of thumb that all RWD cars are quicker in the bends than FWD. Youve never driven a 306 GTI-6 then ........ But in FWD all of your weight is over the driven wheels, you can also shift weight past the point of drive more quickly. Which do you reckon is quicker in the wet?? I knew someone would throw the GTI-6 or DC2 out there, that's why I covered myself with the majority not the rule comment Lol well you shouldn't be driving hard in the wet anyway....O yeah and have you seen that new FWD Lambo?! I also had the gti6 one advantage of fwd is that its more confidence inspiring and easy to correct if you go to far. Its easy to go fast in fwd it takes more experience and skill to go fast in rwd.
  5. bit like me and my son this evening - I'm teaching him to drive Are you using the 370
  6. That sounds like a father and son team
  7. i'm just handicapped....that is all
  8. check ebay for good idea on price but if it was me i'd remove the pillar.open up the crack making a v shape channel, reinforce behind it with some glassfibre, then fill and sand the channel, and repaint.
  9. UK politics is like betting on a crippled horse race. they're all completely useless for the job but you have to try and work out which is the least useless one that will actually finish the race. as for mr sillyband he's doing a brilliant job of undermining himself, he doesnt need the oppositions help. and no one in his party wants his job as its a veritable poision challis at the moment. they'll let him go down with the sinking ship until the election, they'll lose and then boot him and elect a replacement. cleggy is about as effective as a spounge hammer, he can keep hammering home points as much and as hard as he likes but he has no actual impact. and the party he acutally represents is just fool of crazy folk with some very scary ideas.
  10. i hate to disappoint you but if you actually got your hands on one you might be very dissappointed in the build quality. Zedrush a member on here, he bought one, it was his dream car, but after about months he was so dissappointed in the build and reliabilty he sold it and bought......a porsche i think he said something on the lines of actually owning an aston, ruined the dream of the aston.
  11. re the dial it brings the red line dead centre and in your eye line. more of a race setup
  12. good luck in that search i use Zune its designed for windows audio devices, but for some reseon i think it might work with apple devices. might be worth a shot.
  13. i like the quote at the end " research takes time" i bet it does, becuase at them moment i haven't seen any evidence of research there. just political slatting designed for the mentally inept who listen and follow any old rubbish. i'm neither pro russian or pro states, but thats a pile of ka ka, if not a slightly funny attempt at it.
  14. Its the one advantage I've found with the jag, I get let out of junctions, something about the badge doesn't get the abuse Porsche, Audi and bmw get.
  15. How do you put a signature at the end of your post..?? sorry we can't tell you, you'd be dangerous with that kind of knowledge
  16. I enjoyed my S2000 interior too, although compared to my 370Z (my S2000 being a '99) my Nissan has the edge with all the toys and fresh tech. Agreed it was low tech, but the choice of plastics were good the 370 interior is definitely a big improvement over the 350
  17. I turned the sig function off as that blue thing was so annoying
  18. Dont remember paying £72K for my 350 though Don't most Zed owners buy a Zed because they can't afford a Porsche..... if they are REALLY honest Don't think there's anyone left on here who even paid the full £32k back when they were new. As with most things, you get what you pay for. Although I have to say I preferred the plastics and interior in the S2k and that was zed price bracket.
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