Wow someone has a stick up there arse about the teaching profession. Firstly no I have no kids...yet....they arrive in October. Secondly I didn't fail in my task he did everything exactly how I demonstrated it. He used the vice correctly he wiped of the excess, he laid up and measured everything just like I showed him. His mistake was not being able to identify between a big bottle labelled PVA that he's used every year for the last 4 years. And a completely different bottle with a picture of a sink on it and the words Cif written on it. Now you might question why I let him continue. I'm a strong believer in learning from ones mistakes, and guiding them to the correct conclusion. I didn't mock the student, I laid out all the facts in front of him. As they say you can lead a horse to water etc etc etc. As for my teaching ability, I worked in the real world first before I went in to teaching. I also work with some of the toughest kids, and I also get some of the best results. Since I've worked in my current school the results have gone up 30% over 5 years. My lesson which are observed are either graded as good or outstanding, and in the recent Ofsted inspection I was also graded as outstanding. I think until you've done my job, or been in my classroom you can't really comment on my ability as a teacher. Oh and I also teach teachers as I'm a Subject mentor for several teaching courses. As you say I must be failing in my role as a teacher