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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I'm in the process of making new bodykits they're universal fitting and the aerodynamics advantage for the zed should see a 40bhp gain and a 15mpg improvement
  2. Have you got any of your own video recordings yet?
  3. Round near us is very bike friendly, lots of underpasses and cycle paths. But the cycle path is often the pavement like in this photo near us
  4. But they put the cycle lanes on the pavement
  5. If you piggy back 2 together it doubles it to nearly 80bhp gains. Also works well with one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-SILVIA-SKYLINE-350Z-370Z-FILTER-INTAKE-SUPERCHARGER-TURBO-FAN-TFBO-/161077397682?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Model%3A350+Z&hash=item2580f608b2
  6. I get my first dwp cheque next week....innit blud!
  7. I just added that to my watch list, looks really good. I keep toying with the idea of a dash cam
  8. rtbiscuit

    cheap tyres.

    If including fitting then event Tyres are cheaper than black circles. But Tyres only then openeo are often beating camskills on price. But a lot can depend on the Tyre you want. I decide on the Tyre then look for the cheapest on the net
  9. I don't get why so many still use there phone the wrong way. You can still use a phone while driving, you just need to be hands free. as for the rest of the rules seems like common sense to me. I would suspect those that are getting outraged over it are possibly the kind of people that make those kind of driving faux pas. The rules look set to tackle aggressive driving styles or those who aren't paying attention/road aware/observant. Which from what I've seen are half the morons on the road. My route home is 4 miles with half on dual carriage way. On the way home at the last roundabout the right lane is used for those going right. But I've sat behind people who sit in the right lane never overtaking and through 3 other roundabouts just because right at the end they're going right. Then all the idiots who can't use the right lane at junctions. Those driving in the bus lane, those who don't use their mirrors or indicators. My big pet hate of the mong yards with their fogs on when its not foggy. The list could go on.
  10. Police can use other offences to prosecute cyclists. They just don't tend to see the need. Outside of London most cycling accidents tend to come down to motorist at fault not cyclist. Hence the onus is on the motorist being insured not the cyclists. You have to remember a cyclist is classed the same as a pedestrian. Under these new forum road rules would I now need insurance and road tax on my roller skates. Would my kids need an mot on their push scooters? Would my shoes need to be taxed every 12 months. The reason the motorist pays is because the motorist is the biggest danger on the road. Pedestrian= max weight 300kg max speed 20 mph although as weight increases speed decreases. Cyclist = similar weight to pedestrian max speed = 50mph but again speed decreases the heavier the cyclist. Motorist = anywhere between half a ton to 50 tons. Speed = over 70mph weight tends to only impact stepping time. Being hit by either a cyclist or a pedestrian would leave only minor injuries. Most motor vehicles over 30mph can be fatal. Cars have insurance because they are both expensive items and in the wrong hands a fatal weapon. The most a cyclist is for motorists is a pain in the backside.
  11. Just looked them up, quality piece of kit, like the look of that a lot.
  12. Top effort, impressed with the turn around time as well.
  13. When I cycle I follow the road rules, but then I'm old school and did my cycling proficiency when I was 11. I also use the cycle paths if they're there. I agree there are a lot of bad cyclists. I just don't think most motorist have the moral high ground when it comes to correct use of the road. I would be happy to see the police pull cyclists over for incorrect road use and fine them. I see so few cyclists I obviously don't have the same taint as others do about the,, that or my more relaxed driving style means I don't get as riled as others on here about them. A question, if I drive a car i've already paid my road fund licence, so when I get on to my carbon neutral bike I should exempt like the hybrid and electric cars
  14. Is it ok to PM when the new Mac Pro lands please? not a problem
  15. No worries, didn't know what the cost new, I think I get about 10% discounts maybe 15% on all apple products. And I get some Microsoft stuff for free
  16. Love the central driving position
  17. I don't live in London, I do drive there infrequently as I have family in Chiswick and crouch end. Every time I drive there its the motorists who are the biggest danger not the cyclists. But this could be down to the London driving style, which seems to be offensive not defensive. It is different to the suburbs and the countryside. Maybe the cyclists have adapted to fit round the motorist style in London. It always seems very much kill or be killed down there.
  18. If you'd asked me I could have used my discount for you.
  19. I treat cyclists the same as a car, if I can't pass one safely I patiently wait behind till there is space to do so. I would say I'm pretty much almost fully on the opposite side when I pass. Cost me no more than about 30 seconds of my life, makes no difference to the time I get in. I'd rather see more cyclists on the road, than half the idioms behind car steering wheels that are currently out there. A cyclist is slow moving and easy to avoid. Muppets in 1.5 ton battering rams who can't negotiate a roundabout are far more hazardous than a 90kg cyclist.
  20. I don't mind cyclists. Can't see the point in taxing them, government is trying to encourage more cycling, so why would they do anything to put people off it? As for insurance cyclists are classed as pedestrians so don't fall under the same requirements.
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