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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Alternatively the Honda jazz is a great little car, although not quite the street cred
  2. Think tarmac might do them
  3. Am jealous, my laser cutter only does plastic and woods, or etch glass.
  4. Congrats on the new datz; nice choice of colour
  5. i don't know if you lot remember that post a while back where someone had posted a vid showing heineken beer sponsoring **** fighting. everyone jumped up in outrage, then it turned out to be a hoax. its worrying how easiily people follow guidance if its given to them on a computer. we teach our students when researching on the internet to find 3 sources to collaberate info. just because its on the internet doenst make it true. we even set up fake websites that they had to look for which were full of fake info. and the amoun of students who took it as written in stone because they found it on the internet.
  6. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/car-jacking-warning.html please read, its a BS story, I get pi**ed off with people on Facebook mindlessly forwarding messages because the computer told them too. Rule of thumb if it tells you to forward to as many people as possible its most likely full of bollox. Try a Google first if it comes back empty then maybe just maybe it might be real. Please don't start posting this crap on the forum as well.
  7. Yes they ask the value of the accident, if it has an effect on cost depending on value I don't know.
  8. Don't make it too cushy at home or they'll never leave when they're older she'll come home and really miss it. Can't be easy hearing your own child in distress and not being able to make it better. As others have said sometimes the tough love route is often the best. I've still got all this to learn. I shall be asking advice on here I'm sure from the more experienced members in the future.
  9. It will be hard but it will do her good to see it through to the end. It will make next time even easier.
  10. my mates got one, cheap to buy, but can be expensive to maintain, still think the mr2 is the better bet. I found working on mid engine really easy. exhausts are cheaper as they are a lot shorter. manifold changes took very little time as you were looking straight at it. 2 seats light, and as you can get turbo you have new things to play with.
  11. is there a paint line, if you rub your nail across it can you feel where the 2 parts meet?
  12. I like the pentas and they look good
  13. Sounds fair to me you pay for it in cash or you work it off behind the shop.
  14. It would help if you give us the Tyre sizes you want. Maxxis do a track Tyre as so a few other places.
  15. They look alright. Be interested to see them fitted.
  16. Horsham would definitely be worth a visit and a chat too, and speak to tarmac for supplies.
  17. RIch your getting old... Wearing jeans above where your bum becomes your legs is fine. i spend my working life working with people who dont know what a belt is, i'm all for trend etc, but it just looks ghey!
  18. That first tune was pap, but the 2 from bbk I liked
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