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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I just added some updates to your earlier cavities thread, as I've done some more on mine.
  2. I gave her a wash this evening, now nice and shiny again
  3. Just a pity about the driving position and no steering adjustment. Nice car though see I found the driving position perfect, but I'm only 5'9" in the zed the seating used to put my hip out on long journeys
  4. S2000 now thats a stonkingly good gear box
  5. Ok so todays job while i had a few minutes spare was i thought i would sort out the wing mirrors, one of them took a knock a while back and left it marked, so decided to fix them. this was them still on the car i then worked abit of my magic and created these i was quiet pleased with those so i had a look at the cart and thought might as well have ago at the vents while i'm at it as well this was them still on the car in their old dirty guise worked abit more of my magic and created these and combined they look like this and yes i know the car is filty, thats my next job, to clean it.
  6. well as this seems to be the appropriate jag updateing page for fellow jag lovers i thought i'd add in what i've been up to recently. first off several months ago some scroat commoner nicked my front badge while i was parked at waitrose. bloody rapscallions. so i bought a new badge now i thought about just sticking it on, but decided to mount this to the new mesh going into the grille. and decided that i would make it scroat proof. so i started with this nice piece of ally bar and went round and caved in all the local scroats heads.... ok i didn't...but i really wanted to... instead i stuffed it on my lathe at work and produced this i then tapped out the hole on the badge at the back so i could then mount the 2 together now means it cant be taken off or pulled off. next job was to take the normal shiney grille and make it black using plastidip i would show you fitted pics, but i haven't got round to fitting the lower grille yet but hopeing to do that next weekend
  7. nope i'd go and buy one of the following MaserGT-S MC Aston martin V8 or V12 Jag F type or XKRS-GT lambo gayardo etc etc
  8. I appreciate its technical ability, its a very capable piece of kit that embarasses and out performs alot of more expernesive stuff by a long way, and i have respect for any one who can afford them or who buys them, its a very good sports car. but it doesnt float my boat, i don;t mind the looks, but it doesnt set my heart on fire like other things do. i'm not going to talk about how it drives in comparison to other things all though it is documewnted in magazines etc. as i've not driven them. if i had the cash it would be the last car on the list i'd ever buy.
  9. Falcon performance http://www.cylex-uk.co.uk/company/falcon-performance-13628533.html
  10. Thing is if Clarkson had been positive, you'd all be on here posting links to the YouTube clips saying, look Clarkson thinks are car is awesome. He loved the S2000, and he loved the xkr, so I think I've done alright with 2 out of 3 cars I've owned that Clarkson liked
  11. Cheapest method is drilling some holes in your back box, or removing it completely without replacing it. Alternately have a browse on cougar store, tarmac Sportz, or redline styling, all are traders on here, all have a wide selection. If cobra and scorpion are what you want all will be able to help you out.
  12. I bought my zed when they were still brand new and paid a lot compared to what they're worth now. I've also been here for a long time, which means I've seen almost every tom dick and harry come and then go. It also means I've seen and read almost every crapspeed story that comes up on here. They got that name on here because their customer service was so poor and so was the build quality of their work. As for sound, the k1 isn't beautiful its just loud. With the bungs out it makes interiors rattle at high revs. Its like the equivalent of comparing a classical brass musician with a retard farting through a drain pipe. Both make noise, and ones very loud, but only the classical musician makes a tune. If your happy with it, that's great, bit don't go telling me they're ubergreat when I've been here long enough to see how much they don't get it right. As for having my head up my arse, I think you'll find its called experience.
  13. pretty much what i would have said, avoid crapspeed like the plague.
  14. Its a panel filter so they'll be almost no noise. And its going in a zed, so they'll be no gains unless you remap it, and even then it only makes about 3bhp difference.
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