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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I wrapped my slam panel and then ticketed it up as well.
  2. Most won't remember as its before there time, but there used to be a trader on here of envious reputation in the performance parts market. I knew of someone in their shop order parts. Right in front of the guy they got the catalogue out for the American company, looked up the part, then doubled the price. I miss the good old days of big Phil
  3. I'm think of about 3 as well but I have a feeling they're not all the same 3
  4. I think its great that as a forum we have so many traders, in that respect members have a lot of options and almost every avenue is covered. A lot of the traders also offer a lot of free help and advice you wouldn't get maybe in a shop, and the fact that some reply at all kind of hours and at such speed; is also great for members and the forum. But like a reverse silver lining in order to get this kind of setup sometimes the forum has sacrificed being member centric and turned trader centric. My biggest concern is that people see lots of positives, but only very occasionally do people speak out about bad service. And the sad fact is the mod team if there is a genuine issue are pretty good at terminating trade contracts if members are put at risk. There has been at least 5 companies I know of that have been given the boot. I thinknlike coldel said if your going to feedback it should be what I call zed shed feedback. These guys give up their time and garage for free to help members out at short notice and all for the cost of some donuts. And these guys aren't even traders. Yes speedy service is important. But feedback threads are not an accurate gauge of real service.
  5. I should point out, I do trade on here, but what's not always seen is the Pm's where if I don't think I can either offer the right service or the right price I'll actually recommend alternative options or other trader options off the forum. I try to make sure the members get the best service, and not me getting the best profit.
  6. Most of the feedback is un necessary, or praises something that is standard service. Or traders I wouldn't trust a childrens toy car with get bigged up, just because its seems to be the place to promote. Others seem to buy their praise. And because its very trade centric on here you have traders jumping in on posts recommending their products, not always because its the best product or price for the member, but because its the best profit for the trader. This isn't always the case with all traders. And a lot are good and offer a good service, but its the way the forum now feels on a whole. That its set up for the traders benefit not the members benefit.
  7. Yep his reputation will be forever the man who built the melty Welty building, and he was hoping to be remembered for it being the walky talky.
  8. They were measuring temps over 50 degrees on a cloudy day in the sun spot the building created. He's designed a giant focusing mirror. Next he'll be saying the builds have sub standard paint, mats and steps. He's in a big river and its called denial
  9. I watched it and no one ever said anything was sub standard. I did see it had set entrance mats on fire, blister paint work on buildings, and split tiles. Then watch the interview with the Architect...as I said..he blamed substandard Jag plastic rather than his building design..! Well he's a retard then,
  10. I watched it and no one ever said anything was sub standard. I did see it had set entrance mats on fire, blister paint work on buildings, and split tiles.
  11. I'm a strong believer that this forum is here to help the members, but of recent it feels like its more here to help certain traders. If I was looking at buying I'd want to be able to ask for help or post up links with out the worry of my research being someone elses profit margin. Or the fact members are being directed to just 1 trader, not because they are the best but just because they have a fan club. I have started when people ask for products listing all the traders I know for parts and recommending people check them all. I also don't recommend people who I don't think do a good job.
  12. Was it white or coloured ? It was acid free lignen free 320 gsm black card so I can manufacture my own dry mounted post album wedding pages
  13. I bought some paper, it came in a box and was delivered when they said they would...woop de fcuking doooo! I suppose the feedback should say. "thanks for not knocking 10 bells out of my item and for not ramming it in the post box like a man thumbing it into an ugly bird. And for having the nouce to send it in the same year I bought it."
  14. Fair play to you ricey, karma should come round and reward you hopefully.
  15. Its a satirical post after reading someone else's on here, and a tongue in cheek post for all those pointless buyer feedback posts
  16. just been to Tesco's, they were really great, they let me browse around and touch all the produce, they weren't pushy at all, after an hour and a half I finally made my choices and am now the happy owner of some fruit. They weren't pushy at all, and made me feel really welcome. And were very good at taking my money.
  17. They are going to talk about it on bbc news in a minute
  18. rtbiscuit

    Vinyl Wrap

    hexis from memory run a minimum order for custom printing, could be wrong as its not something I use from them. how big an eara do you want printing, how much is design and how much vinyl stays blank etc.£300 sounds about right to be honest.
  19. Looks like they built a giant parabolic mirror
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-23930675
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