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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. that front is very function over form basis. if i could take the chassis and running gear from the X150 and put it under the bodyshell of my X100, with the interior of the new XJ and the rust proofing of the modern aluminium body and the bite from the F type. i think you'd have the prfect car....for me :grin:
  2. the video has an unfortunate preview point it used to be a video of a dyno run, but it was annoying people as it would auto start when you logged on to the forum, and if your speakers were up loud it got a bit tedious, so I recommended changing it to the forum joke video made by an old member. it was very funny. but still had the same issue. but this time hitler would start blaring out of your speakers. so the mods auto paused it. but sadly the preview screen happens to be stuck on the one unfortunate word in it.
  3. Not a massive update this evening, had an after school club to run, so only cut 4 of the dove tail slots. and this is them just slotted together for now on a test fit
  4. they've both been laid transverse for the majority of the pregnancy but all of a sudden he seems to have changed, i'm fairly relaxed, but it seems to be the midwife that reckons an early onset. the other issue is lucys had a lot of swelling in her feet, and a bout of high blood pressure, and yesterday they found high white blood cell count and protein. so waiting to see what the results are. we're a planned C-section, but the date may be moved out of our control if the doctors decide they want them out early. i'm more than happy if they choose to spend another 6 months in there. i'm still enjoying my lay ins at the weekend
  5. Theoretically its the 28th of October, but from what the midwife said yesterday it looks like the lower twin has turned and they think he's getting ready to make a break fro it. technically another 6 weeks, but I think it will be in the next 3, my wife's been told to finish at the end of this week and not next week like she planned. maybe need to start running a sweep stake on the delivery day.
  6. i'm making this up as I go along, no 10 steps here, I have a rough idea in my head and know roughly how its going to work, but the rest is a working plan. I suppose the only thing is I only glue it all together at the end.
  7. For god sake Rich, pull ya finger out, what you been doing for the last 9 months . . . . Looks like a nice little project Although . . . . Am I the only one who thinks your drawing looks like a guillotine Looking forward to tomorrow update I had to wait till the pram arrived, as its the removable pram sections we're turning into the cots. but yes time is running out fast, and no its not a gilloutine, I just over drew the curve on the bottom Thanks Lexx, any advice is good, i'm going in blind an naïve to this, I bought my self the commado dad book of parenting which is helping, but i'm going to be very much a novice at this. it might be old but it now all in working order, I don't fancy dismantling it. but I could always look on eBay for a set of old ford wiper motors. I love working in wood I find it very rewarding material to work with. and i'm enjoying having a little project on the go. got an afterschool club to run this evening, but they are hopefully self sufficient which should mean I get a bit more done. do you want me to take pics later of the rest of the workshops, that's actually my technicians room, it also has a permanent planer in there, and twin grinder and reciprocating saw. my workshop has bandsaws, pillar drills hegnar saws, polishing wheels sanding disks etc and full forge setup and oxyacetelyene and mig welder. also got laser cutters 3d printers and big plotter cutters. mate you'll need to educate me, I don't know that name
  8. Some of you may find this interesting i'm guessing most wont but a while back some of you asked me to post a build thread when i started doing any carpentry projects for my forth coming twins. we have to moses baskets but no stands so these are going to be 2 rocking stands. well i started them last week, i've had a couple of hours to do bits and bobs, i'm not finished yet, but this is as far as i've got in 2 hours. as all good plans start on the back of a fag packet, this one was A. to big for the fag packet, and B. i quit nearly 10 months ago now. so no packets to write on, so i had to substitute with a bit of paper. this is my quickly scribbled plan with a few basic measurements and key info and a rough idea of direction. yes i know what your thinking, leonard di vinci is turning in his grave with jealousy at the quality draftmanship and accurate plotting next job was to settle on some wood, having access to a big arse workshop helps, for this project i decided to be an eco warrior, so i've recycled an old science bench from school, we've had them lying around for a while, so i planked it and planed it down to this for any of you wondering its iroko wood, superb stuff to work with, tiny dust particles that get right to the back of your throat , but its a good strong hard wood, with a lovely finish. and a good tight grain structure. next job was to strip the planks, using my trusty chopper; its nice having a bench mounted circular saw always setup, makes jobs so quick and easy. and this is the resulting pile of match sticks i am left with. all cut to size and most of the basic joint sections marked but not cut being economical with my wood this was what i had left over; which will be reused later for some other bits. Now technically thats as far as i got and that was last thursday, i was supposed to upload it all on here and then update with progress later, but got snowed under so only now been able to sit down and do it, which just so happens to be after todays little jaunt in the workshop. so afternoon number 2, i only had an hour this afternoon, but i've quickly gone through and cut all the male parts of the wood joints, I'm using a single dovetail lap joint. adds a bit of strength to the design and a little prettier than just a normal lap joint. i will also do some other finishes later to reinforce them and make them more decorative. I've also cut to shape some other parts as well. and thats as far as i've got so far, i'll update hopefully tomorrow if i get a chance to do some more after work. next job is going to be cut all the female parts of the joints and chisel in to shape. i'm hoping by tomorrow the frames will start to take shape. i'm starting to panic a little as when i got home today my wife had been to see the midwife, and she says they've turned in to the head down position and look like they might be makeing a break for the exit. which means i need to hurry up and finish these.
  9. Thats because people are blinded by the fact the comes standard with 2, if it came with 1 from the factory then everyone would think the twins looked gay Mr2 roadster came with single exit, and the most people swapped them to twin exits to balance the look of the rear out. people do it becuase twin exit looks like a sports car single exit looks like a rice wagon Ah the old, it has more than one pipe it must be a sports car One pipe = because race car when people think of single exit, this is normally the first image to come to mind so people go on the assumption, sub contiously that the more exhaust pipes you have the sportier it must be so if thats the case then this bloke drives the fastest car in the world i just typed in chavvy single exit exhaust into bing images and the first 3 images were 350Z's :lol: :lol:
  10. Thats because people are blinded by the fact the comes standard with 2, if it came with 1 from the factory then everyone would think the twins looked gay Mr2 roadster came with single exit, and the most people swapped them to twin exits to balance the look of the rear out. people do it becuase twin exit looks like a sports car single exit looks like a rice wagon
  11. Only a few places can actually tune a 350z and non that I know of are g force dyno's, or use them. My guess is someones been to a rolling road day in it.
  12. Maybe people should sit a test before getting pregnant, if you can't pass they temporarily sterilise you till you show positive contribution to human kind
  13. why is it stupid people breed so easily? idiots are going to outbreed intelligence
  14. nothing a can of petrol and a box of matches wouldn't fix
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