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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. So You thought the work was done.....ha ha ha ha ha nope today i managed to get the frames sides glued on place and the whole thing squared up using more wood and lots of clamps, could only do one at a time and it looked a bit like a french Renaissance torture device while the second one was drying, i managed to get the filler out and attack the first one ignore all the brown splodges, tomorrow is sanding day, so it should all start to look proper tidy, and the filler will be just left in the gaps, also got some teak oil for the final finish, so as long as my 2 pups dont arrive before then,; i'm hoping to be able to show you a fully finsihed product. but worst case scenario if they turn up now the frames are glued and useable.
  2. could be anything from a piston on the way out, tot eh bottom end, or a tappet issue? I'd have more luck guessing a number you're thinking of between 1 and a 100. wait to see what the garage says before making any decisions. then its a case of speaking yo your warranty company and see if the warranty is worth the paper its written on.
  3. that one on the drag strip look s to be running a tuned V8 Diesel of some kind
  4. But they're still coilovers, are they not? As in a coil over a damper? stop splitting hairs, you know he meant aftermarket coilovers
  5. rtbiscuit

    Alpha 4C

    Big Alfa fan, be interested to see one in the flesh
  6. i upgraded my S2k wheels to 18" oz Superleggeras, and had my Geo done by Dixon motorsport. with the bigger wheels, wider tread and lower profile tyres it actually made the S2K a far more responsive car. in terms of increased grip and feedback. must have just been enough to take the raw edge off the stock setup. compare that to the zed because of its weight it was far more forgiving. like suits said i reckon it was a bout a 3 second difference between them on reaction time. you can still get it wrong in a 350, but it wouldn't punish you as much as the honda did if you mistreated it. its why the S2k has a higher insurance, even though its marginally slower. and it picked up the nickname widow maker. but that's why i think i had more fun the s2k than i ever did in the zed. the zed felt to safe and sensible. to get it to the edge you had to push really hard. to a point that with most drivers their skill would run out before the cars did. you could drive it without really having to try. it made even bad drivers look good. but the S2K you really had to think about it, match the gears and the revs, the speed, balance the throttle, and when you got it right it was beautiful.
  7. having driven both on track, and on road, the zed is marginally quicker, what it benefits with is the torque curve that the S2k doesn't have. even tested it on forza 4, husky and I drove both on there and the zed still has the acceleration edge. but in the real world I found the Honda far more rewarding and enjoyable to drive. it could have been the roof down action and the high rev engine, but it was a proper b road bomber. and if you're new to RWD I'd say the 350Z is the better choice. its far more forgiving if you over cook it.
  8. back into their sockets to avert the pain in their eyes
  9. after you drive around do you park up outside the blue oyster considering most women only know cars by colour I'm not surprised its mainly the male sex that notice them
  10. looks like someone ram raided halfrauds
  11. no my point was that just because its got a V6 doesnt mean its a better note (as this seems to be the main argument point for some)i'm not saying thats the best exhaust, or that thats better than a zed, i'm saying for me it gave a far better sound than the zed did...for me. having done a tunnel run with my mates zed and modified exhaust, even he and most of the others said, the s2k made a better noise.
  12. what you refer to is standard dealership practice over pretty much every dealer network and car brand, nothing new what the customer has to do is research its not immoral, its not illegal, its called profit. and it wouldn't work if others weren't willing to pay it. if you don't like the price go buy it privately.
  13. Gort, thats like a happy hardcore LSD induced headfcuk
  14. BBK i liked his straight talking manner, it made sense
  15. everyone says the zed sounds better, but with a good exhaust i could get a better note from the honda than i ever could from the zed. I ran the HKS system and it was truly epic.
  16. is that a good thing wet yourself because it was good or wet yourself because it was bad?
  17. Bit like the local Nissan dealership asking £5k over market value
  18. Is this the new gangnam style? What the fox says
  19. I think they have 4WD as in the last pull you can see all 4 wheels smoking
  20. i think most of the interior parts from the facelift can be fitted in the pre facelift as i think a few people have updated their interiors. the parts i know of that dont are the door handle pull on the passenger door, and i think the door switch panels. but you're probalby best to stick to prefacelift parts.
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