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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Hence why I know only by pre 2001 or if I have too, up to march 2006. If I but post 2006 I'll look for cars that fall in the right bracket.
  2. My wife could find a priceless gem in a pile of worthless identical gems. Basically if its the most expensive thing in the shop, she'd find it in 30 seconds even if there were no prices. Its usually followed by the retailer commenting on her exquisite taste, and me saying no f'ing way
  3. I'd like to see claimants paid in vouchers. If your a long time non worker and you have no medical reason to be out of work, I think all your benefits should be in vouchers like the old ration books. It should pay for the roof over your head, the food in your belly and the clothes on your back (and your kids) it shouldn't cover alcohol, cigarettes, sky tv, or the bookies. Etc. If I'm paying tax and I cut the luxuries out of my life in order to pay the bills, why should I be funding someone to smoke, drink and watch sky, when I can't. I'm more than happy to pay for and support those in need. But you don't need any of those luxuries.
  4. Very true dblock its a zed, enough said!
  5. I think mines soon to become how awake are you? Once the twins arrive. I like jaguars new direction, ok not the best slogan, but there have been worse. When I was joining the navy they had a slogan "join the navy, feel a new man every day" my mates found this hilarious and was the centre of most jokes.
  6. And the new xj isn't ugly either
  7. Like I said I'm all for sustainable and sensible stewardship. But the information being given is only half the story
  8. If it makes you feel better my supercharged 4.0 litre v8 is only £220 a year in road tax. Advantages of buying pre 2001. And secondly road tax no longer gets spent on the roads, and is now known as the road fund licence. Its nothing more than a luxuries tax.
  9. I'm all for responsible stewardship of the planet, I'm no green fan, but i'm not a resources whore either. But my issue is more that only one side of the story is portrayed and sold as the gods honest truth. Both sides of the argument should be portrayed and let the people come to their own conclusions. Green policies I like include using sustainable resources and going back to natural products like wool as an insulator etc. I like the idea of moving away from a reliance on oil. I don't mind renewable energy. Alongside other power sources and not just reliant on one. We've got all this coast line and wave energy, yet all the money is spent on solar and wind. But to deny that other aspects other than humans might be a cause is very short sighted. The fact they use data no further back than say 150 years is short sighted. I struggle to see why I should be charged over the odds so that we follow a set of rules, when America, china and India eat through our carbon savings in 2 weeks.
  10. What's scary is the amount of people who just follow it blindly, just because some people in white coats have said it. Climate change is just a theory, and that's all it is, its not been proved and there is certainly a lot of evidence out there that disproves it. The fact that we're currently in a motion where our planet is further from the sun, the fact that the sun is actually in a cooling cycle. The fact that this has happened before a long time ago in the earths history long before big industry existed. We're just passengers on the planet, yes we should treat it with respect, but I think it very much does its own thing regardless of us.
  11. Anyone else watch the news recently and find them selves getting angry at the lies being peddled as the gospel truth on climate change. Apparently the ipcc is now 95% certain we're to blame. Yet we're now entering a 12 year of cooling. I'm not sure if there are many people on here who are green warriors, I'm guessing not many driving big petrol cars. I' m all for alternative energy sources to reduce the need and reliance on coal and oil. But what's being peddled at the moment is just used as a basis to tax the crap out of the electorate. Why do we listen to an institution like the ipcc that is mainly funded by the governments and isn't independent. If your not sure which way to swing have a read of this http://www.spectator.co.uk/features/3755623/meet-the-man-who-has-exposed-the-great-climate-change-con-trick/. Also I'm not a daily mail fan but according to this the attic is growing not shrinking http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2415191/And-global-COOLING-Return-Arctic-ice-cap-grows-29-year.html. People need to start doing their own research instead of blindly following the manure that's being fed to us from the top. Rant over
  12. This forums full of OAP's, so that's no surprise
  13. My technician used to be a silver smith and also teaches a jewellery course, I could ask him if that helps. Alternately do what I did and go to Hatton gardens. I used ace of diamonds, and they took a setting we liked and swapped the diamonds around, and they even cornered it on to us as we aren't local to London.
  14. Prius's are awesome. Quiet, auto, all the toys, reliable and cheap to run. What's not to like? You're only allowed to wear sandals when you drive it, you have to grow a mangina, and wash in hemp butter and natural yaks milk.
  15. you should have seen me when I got my 370Z, is was so confused, torque EVERYWHERE, I didn't know what to do with it all ! Having been driving Honda motors for the last 7 years it was very strange not having to redline it all the time to make progress. A sorted Honda on a track is fantastic and the best place for it in my opinion. you should try my xkr it idles at under 500rpm and very rarely see's 2000 rpm, even when cruising its like its not even trying. Not dissimilar to the zed.
  16. Its what I did, sold the zed for £12.5k and bought the s2k for £8k. The most my Honda needed was a new battery for the key fob, did t miss a heart beat. My zed on the other hand had lots of minor niggles. Nothing to stop you driving it, but enough to pi$$ you off.
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