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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. This thread for me is basically all the toys my parents could never afford. Always remember playing them at my mates houses.
  2. from what I remember of the Val aftermath, he spat out his dummy, threw his toys out the pram, had himself completely erased from the forum and ran off with the club takings and the rights to the club web addresses. from what I can recall, he didn't like the route the forum was taking and the fact it was going to fill up with cheap arse chavs with cheap cars and cheap tastes. and basically chav the forum up....well if he were dead he'd be turning in his grave :lol: he was like the forum oracle as with all cars its inevitable and to be fair its a good forum with a good community. so cant be all bad. last thing I saw of Val was him on another forum going by the name of the menial or something like that and posting like he was the zed messiah.
  3. having owned and used an S2000 for 18 months I have to say you might think the digital dash is poor and retro, I have to say when driving on the limit it was the most accurate and easy to use dash I've ever had in front of me. its accurate number readout tells you exactly what speed, no guessing where the needle sits. the rev counter is big and central and always visible. and with the colour change you weren't having to calibrate in your head where you roughly are. and when going abroad I press one button and my dash swaps from imperial to metric. so no trying to read the tiny numbers on the inside of a dial. having used it the S2000 dash is the most functional and useful dash I've had the pleasure to use.
  4. i have a right to comment as A. I pay my taxes, and B I vote. as far as i'm concerned i'm allowed an opinion on anything political as I have both financially invested and morally invested in the decisions that are being made on my behalf by the powers that be.
  5. lol - I've been a member for 2 weeks, but I pre-date the forum. Anyone still remember Valerio lol? Val was a little before me, but his presence lived on for a little while
  6. That grade and viscosity will make no difference. It just won't be as effective for as long as a fully synthetic. Changing it would be a good idea but I wouldn't be panicked. Cheaper oil degrades under heat cycles quicker but its still lubricating the engine. So as long as the engine has time to warm up before spirited driving it will be fine. Do a mini service and put fresh oil and filter in. There are some good semi's out there, so it doesn't have to be fully synthetic. And the thinner viscosity will make it easier for the engine to crank over in the winter.
  7. Not sure what side of London you are, but there is also Dixon motorsport over near the Dartford crossing. Personally you can't go far wrong with the likes of Horsham development.
  8. I don't think so, I think that's just a snap shot opinion of the whole world ever.
  9. Its official S2000 voted best instrument cluster in the world http://www.carthrottle.com/official-honda-s2000-has-worlds-best-instrument-cluster/
  10. that process is called Terraclean and its available across the UK, have considered getting the XKR done. a few on the XK forum have had it done and spoken positively of the impact its had.
  11. same for me, bar work, doorman, shop work pizza delivery all uni jobs. first job was at macdonalds. my parents said once I was 16 if I wanted money I had to earn it myself. so I got a part time job. and its the same message i'll say to my kids in 16 years time. i'm hoping like me it will teach them the value of money. and that it doesn't grow on tree's and that saving money is good.
  12. CO2 is turned into oxygen by tree's, CO2 isn't the only green house gas that is the issue. Methane is another product of global warming, and from memory a large amount of the yearly methane production can be traced back to cows, which have been greatly over populated for feeding the human race. removing the cow population would make a huge dent in the green house gasses produced. CFC's are no longer in production, leaded fuel has not been in production for nearly 20 years. they could avoid the coal fire burning power stations by building new nuclear reactors, they'd produce more power, and less waste, and be more economical than wind turbines for the investment spent.
  13. I finished uni with an engineering degree, not know what path to take I took the first job going, I washed dishes for at golf club for £4 an hour, people saw I was commited and it got me more work, ended up at the airport working ground crew for £5 an hour. was applying for other jobs then decided to go for the teaching but while I waited for the course to start I got work in a call centre for £6 an hour. I never sat and waited for the best job to come along, I worked until I got to where I am now. I think you're right that a lot of people come out of uni and think they're too good for certain jobs. thing is they pushed the uni system as the qualification to have, these days everyone has a degree, and its not the elite door opening tool it used to be.
  14. nothing over the last 2 pages says I didn't think we've had no impact, infact I've mentioned several times that I agree with sustainable stewardship of the planet. i'm not for burning all the oil and all the next generations can go f'k themselves. and like a said earlier we've had an impact but we'd have gone through something anyway regardless. the planet runs in long term cycles. Two thousand years ago (ish) the Romans used to grow good quality red wine in the heat of the south of England, which we can't today. Must've been the V8 chariots caused it all!
  15. Its difficult to judge without all the info, but if its like dip says, I suppose it comes down to how you handle it. if the range rover did knock one and it had been me, I would have stopped to check the biker was ok, I wouldn't apologies, but I would hand him my insurance details and then move on. if I was intimidated by the numbers I'd do it through the window with the door locked. him driving off made it worse as it looks like it created a mob mentality not deliberately, but you see how easy groups revert to primeval tendencies. then the situation just blew right out of proportion. wasn't there myself, and commenting on the hypothetical here, but powering over a group of bikers was a bad move, as was the bikers trying to block a range rover....what did people think were going to happen?
  16. my car is my hobby, but in order to do it I've sacrificed else where, I don't generally have holidays, i don't go out drinking anymore, i don't smoke anymore. but i do most of the work myself. and at some point soon i'm going to put it on hold so that i can spend more money on my family when the kids arrive. my salar is common knowledge as a teacher its a set pay scale, but i'd say after bills etc i don't have a lot left at the end of each month.
  17. watched that last night, looks a case of 50/50 responsibility. both parties acted stupidly.
  18. i have done my own research i'm also aware that climate change has been happening since the dawn of time, i'm not an idiot to think we have no impact on the environment, but i'm also aware that there is a lot of stuff happening which isn't related to us. the planet has gone through 2 ice ages, global warming and global cooling multiple times. its what the planet does. what gets my goat is that the information is used as a tax benefit scheme for government to support contracts and suppliers that don't actually support us. if they were bothered about green energy they wouldn't be investing in solar and wind energy. for a country that has minimal sun and unreliable wind sources. and a scheme that will eventually only produce 10% if they are lucky of what we need, not including the growth in our power consumption. with several of our coal power station due for closing and same with some of our nuclear reactors coming to the end of their life cycle. little windmills are going to do bog all. our fannying around with taxing people for being ungreen will do fanny all, compared to the pollution being done by the americans, Chinese and Indians. me using energy saving light bulbs and bio diesel makes bog all difference. in fact even if our whole country went fully green. china and india alone would consume our green savings in about 6 months alone. I've done my research and i'm sorry but I think we'd be going through a climate change regardless of if we were here or not. all we've done is speed it up a little.
  19. I run a can of bg44k through the fuel system of any of my cars once a year.
  20. I was always told you can never really afford kids, and I think that's tree, you just have to adjust your life style to fit having them. But of you've got nothing in the first place why breed like a rabbit?
  21. I'm biased, I had the invidia, good look, good sound, and not boomy on long drives
  22. Of the 2 cars on offer I'd take the lotus, I have no love for the gtr, have never driven either, but the Nissan doesn't light my fire. Appreciate the performance, but knowing what lotus handling is like in the Elise I'd take the evora for the thrill of the drive. As for the above post, I'll repeat my favourite saying opinions are like arseholes everyones got one. Etc etc its an opinion if you don't like it ...ignore it. I know eons, have known him for a long time, some stuff I agree with other stuff I don't. That's his and my prerogative.
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