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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. That's the point the s2000 was so driver focused, all controls could be reached with your finger tips without having to take a hand off the wheel. The whole car was designed around the ability to focus on the drive without any other distraction.
  2. +1 glass fibre can do the same when hung up in ovens for curing paint.
  3. Did you get your problem shortened?
  4. No it was the title given to Ribena's special stock of fruit squash
  5. I'm guessing as these are carbon skinned, then who ever purchases the full kit will be able to offset some of the cost by re selling their old interior to others on the forum. The finish looks excellent.
  6. not what you'd call a smart choice in getaway vehicles. personally i'd have gone with something like this or most likely but everybody knows the best getaway drivers use one of these 2 cars. or
  7. I've always said it should be a system that the more you pay in the more you can take out. So if you paid in for 15 years and then your job goes tits up, the system is there to help you get back on your feet. If you are the opposite and paid not a lot in, then you get the bare minimum out. The only exception to the rule are the sick and poorly.
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