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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Wolfrace as a company I don't mind, and some wheels they do are not bad. But for me if I think wolfrace, I think cheap heavy wheels bought in halfrauds to go on cheap cars. But as the zed is now a cheap car I suppose we'll see more of it. Someone earlier mentioned the forum getting chavvy. I wouldn't say we're getting chavvy, but there is a real difference from 5 years ago. Peoples nodding budgets are a lot different. Yes the cars are cheaper and the budgets lower, but I think the people have got better.
  2. I went down the custom route but with longlife.co.uk as there local franchise demand engineering have an excellent reputation. Also its on my xkr and not on a zed. I've been very pleased with it. But I went that route as I wanted to design my own system. Spent 6 months researching, then went to see demand and they put my plans into reality.
  3. £30 an hour! I live in the wrong place!! Jag dealership near me is £135 an hour labour. The guys I use build race cars as well. Not just maintain customers cars. No reason why you can't come use my mechanics. Lucky me I suppose. There body shop is also the bmw dealership repair garage. Top notch work at sensible prices.
  4. as someone who's just had an interview on Tuesday and got a promotion at a new school; wishing you the best of luck. keep calm, think your answers through, no harm delaying an answer by taking a sip of water or asking them to repeat a question. be positive and confident and talk as if you are already doing the role. fingers crossed for you.
  5. considering we only have about a 2 week period (all added up) where there is snow it seems a great expense and waste of time and resources buying either a replacement winter car or doing winter tyres. unless you live up in the highlands. most main roads are salted and cleared anyway, so the only thing you have to do is get out of your road. I've driven all my performance cars through the winter. always on summer tyres. and even done one winter with re040's with about 2 mm of tread left. drive the car to the conditions and use the right driving techniques the car is fine. so if you have a manual, pull away in 2nd and third, don't use 1st. use the clutch to rock and roll the vehicle to start moving gently. don't use the brakes use the slowing power of the gear box and change down a gear. leave lots of brake distance. small steady steering inputs. and keep the speed relevant to the conditions. I was quiet happily making progress last year when colleagues off the same estate were rining in saying they were stuck with their fwd cars. yes there are times where there is too much snow in which case don't drive.i think I need a push twice in 4 years and that was just to get moving out of the car park. great thing about autos is you can put it in drive, get out and push your own car
  6. standard exhaust comes off either side of the engine; so you have 2 routes of exhaust gas. these then merge in the y pipe and converge into 1 pipe as it heads through the system. it gets to the rear box which is baffled where it then has 2 points of exit. in order to have an X or an H pipe you would need a whole new exhaust from the cats back. as the X pipe is designed to allow exhaust gases to scavenge from either bank, as the rest of the route they remain separate from the manifold all the way to the rear, where there are usually 2 back boxes, one for each bank of the engine. as you have replaced the rear of your exhaust already, you're only real option is an aftermarket Y pipe.unless you wish to change the whole system.
  7. No change since the dawn of time. People seem surprised. Was in not the same in the old feudal systems of lords and commoners.
  8. I have no sympathy for the driver. Decisions have consequences, I think he got off lightly, considering the immenseness of his stupidity. As it seems money can buy you a jag f type but it can't buy you common sense.
  9. Lots change the Y pipe, is the stock pipe restrictive? If I'm honest I can't remember. X and h pipes will only fit if you have a tree dual system. If you haven't then you need an aftermarket y pipe. Have a chat with tarmac Sportz they have possibly the widest selection on offer. Also cougar store and redline styling have stuff on offer as well. My advice look around, do some research and then find the trader that offers you the best product for your budget.
  10. The stock exhaust is a Y pipe. If you want a custom built x pipe or h pipe I know of a company.
  11. not a problem, i'll keep you posted, if you're thinking of changing before I've mentioned it, drop me a line, as i may have just forgotten to get round to selling it but you'll remind me to do it
  12. i have to say my ancient jag auto box is not even on the same level as the zed autobox, but i must admit i might struggle to give up the auto box and go back to manual. traffic jams are so much less stressful, i'm no longer on and off the clutch pedal. and with my bad left knee thats made a huge difference. track day wise i still like a good manual box. but have enjoyed the likes of the VW R32 DSG box, which was very good.
  13. its a 5 minute walk to the end of my bonnet but tyhat engine is still shoe horned in there. if your serious about the XKR i'm going to be selling mine next year once i finish it. with the imminent arrival of twins i'm having my last horrah with it before putting her up for adoption. that and the fact i';ve done all the major jobs now she is a very reliable car.
  14. jag engine bays like the good old days
  15. if you dropped the same cash into the zed you'd never get the same gains. these cars are going to be such a tuners dream there are going to millions of options and parts available to them. in about 5 years time they're going to be a big modding seen, a bit like the old civics were/are. I like them
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