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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Cheers mate I remember now. Shall sort it tonight.
  2. Good description but will probably get RT saying its not heavy compared to a Hummer or something, using his logic! Wasn't logic its called perspective
  3. Cheap and heavy are opinions. If your on a £150k + salary then they're cheap. If your struggling on £15k a year they may well be expensive. Michelle McManus to some is heavy, to some guys she's just right.
  4. This is a slightly odd post, but someone sent me their spare flip key case to have a play around with, i finally got round to sorting the carbon dip on it, and i'm in the process of doing the sticker. but i cant find the email or any contact details for who sent it to me. they posted it to me a few months back if you were the person who kindly sent me your key case please post up on here so i can help reunite you with it.
  5. someone sent me one a few months back to have a play with. i finally finished and sorted the dip out on it and its been used to experiment with a new soft touch clearcoat. am using it to sort out the stickers, only problem is i cant remember who sent it to me and i cant find their PM. If you were the person who sent me the flip key case please post up on here!!! I'm sorry i forgot who you were
  6. rtbiscuit

    DPE Wheels

    bit of searching and the 2nd one is the MHT Niche A340 Roma Wheel matte black and machined http://www.mhtwheels.com/mht-luxury-alloy-wheel.cfm?id=10506 Vivid do them for about £750 but thats before any kind of shipping and not sure if that is colour dependent http://www.vividracing.co.uk/niche_wheels_3_piece_series_a340_roma_19_inch_wheel_1014454159.php first one is the forgeline SC3C-SL not sure on prices but these guys do them http://howeyindustries.com/forgeline-sc3c-sl.html/ if it was me i'd be speaking to tarmac and seeing if he has any links to the companies. he is very good and getting things over from the states at a very good price.
  7. I'm not disagreeing, there's just a difference between an opinion and a fact. for some people they aren't cheap. for others weight isn't an issue. sorry for sounding pedantic
  8. Which basically means spend £7000 on wheels or Gtfo. Nah, Wolfrace are just cheap nasty garbage. Always have been and always will. In your opinion
  9. rtbiscuit

    DPE Wheels

    http://www.forgeline...tepped-lip.html http://howeyindustri...e-sc3c-sl.html/
  10. rtbiscuit

    DPE Wheels

  11. rtbiscuit

    DPE Wheels

    forgeline or mht wheels?
  12. They would need vinyl cutting but wouldn't be expensive as its not printed.
  13. dan you got to do the sides i like that alot
  14. i now have this image of you in one of those glass conference rooms giving someone a bollocking with lots of hand gestures, as the german bankers walking in all they see is you with that tash looking like your doing nazi salutes while shouting at a colleague
  15. advantage of custom build is they can make it as quiet or as loud as you like
  16. rtbiscuit


    doesnt bother me i havvent owned a zed for about 4 years
  17. i like that, one piece of advice would be to get the badge recess filled before painting to give it that smooth look
  18. rtbiscuit


    mine needed modifying to fit, so had to cut the bit that tucks down the side off and i bonded them on with tiger seal these were mine and on another car
  19. AFAIK scavenging can only happen where either bank can pull gases from the opposite bank,
  20. i'd love to have that for my classroom and workshop
  21. True cars have gotten cheaper,, but i think ownership age is roughly the same. As i dont see many teenagers affording the insurance <-- if they did they got way more disposable income than i got that'l be for sure I still like how the OP wasnt flamed off the board for not having the (forum excepted rims) i dont want to hijack the thread but man.. haha i been on forums where it would be flame city if you didnt confirm to "their" norm!! anyhow OP let us know what you decide on ? you dont have to be young to be a chav
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