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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. F-Type!!! I wish maybe if I win the lottery
  2. if I had the spare cash, when I come to change the XKR I would love an XF but not sure the budget will stretch, so I think I might scratch the alfa itch I've had for a while
  3. I even like the estate version http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/Secret-new-cars/Search-Results/Spyshots/Jaguar-XFR-S-Sportbrake-2013-spy-shots-of-a-Jag-super-estate/ and apparently I heard a rumour one of the car review places had taken it round a track in comparison to ths standard XFR and the sportbrake was quicker.
  4. a 3 door version would look very nice and turn an already stunning car into an even more stunning car.
  5. There is a good video guide on youtube, its good fun. and a good way to learn ps
  6. here is some of the stuff I previously sorted for members when I used to trade on the forum
  7. water temperature, time soaked, amount of release spray, rinse time, rinse temperature. painted used etc all have an effect on the finished result, you have to play around with different settings till you find what works best for you. it looks easy but it is very much a practised art form and not just a quick results job.
  8. I have a load of spare stuff that I was going to sell off as a kit if someone wanted to do their own.
  9. Sets and separate door handles on eBay all the time. Only issue you have is I've taken a break from forum trading as my twins are due at the end of this week. I've not wanted to commit to projects as I can't guarantee time frames. I sorted those handles out to get rid of old stock handles I had for a club member before I stopped trading. I do plan to come back to trading, but I don't want to let people down because of long time frames to complete stuff.
  10. I have a larger supercharger pulley fitted, there were too available I went with the one that was the same as the oem, and not the one that was welded. Both work, but the talk was that the welded one would shorten the engine life span.
  11. I think I'm pretty normal, its every other person that's weird
  12. I just sorted this for a member on here, its a one off set to get rid of a spare set of handles I had.
  13. Or passing judgement Yes apparently I have f'd up logic
  14. That's one of my winter jobs to take off and split my 2 piece 20"BBS split rims to refurb the centres.
  15. A wingsuite? Is that a sofa with wings? those guys have balls of steel insane
  16. suits love the NSX prototype. would like to see an OEM version up against the GTR
  17. someone who has kids and wants to go fast and be able to put the kids in without dislocating their hip fighting to get round a folding front seat. the hidden style of the 2 rear doors helps. agreed 3 door looks more flush, but not everyone is childless.
  18. I'm also hoping this will lead to a new S2K if we're lucky.
  19. Forced induction Honda straight out the stables, now that could be interesting. I'm a big Honda fan as well, they're my favourite jap manufacturer. Will watch with interest.
  20. This Friday coming is the final eviction date. They aren't allowed to go beyond this coming friday
  21. Good description but will probably get RT saying its not heavy compared to a Hummer or something, using his logic! Wasn't logic its called perspective You have a twisted perspective if you do not class Wolfrace as neither cheap or heavy I refer you to my first post like my other post that's just my opinion.
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