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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Sod that for a bag of laughs
  2. Only ever heard positives about Horsham, so you can't go far wrong with them.
  3. makes me miss my old S2000, one of the best cars i've ever owned if not the best
  4. i use it in the jag, but then its the reccomended oil for my car (normal magnatec). opie have it as an upgrade oil for the zed and my jag.
  5. thanks everyone, still getting used to their routine.
  6. Well this is a very late post but this is the first time i've sat infront of a real computer, and not just bouncing around on my phone. as some of you maybe aware my wife has been expecting twins and finally last friday the little bundles of joy arrived Half term has been Very busy, Evie and Harry were born on Friday the 25th of October Harry was born at 10:14 am and Evie at 10:16 am. Harry weighed 5lbs and 2 onces and Evelyn was 4lbs and 11 ounces. The pictures i've attatched are from about an hour after they were born. they were the smallest babies you could have without them going into special care. Because of this Mum and babies have had to stay in hospital for 6 days as we had to wait for them to feed properly and gain weight. so i've spent the last week rushing in and out of the hospital everyday. They're all home now and just starting to get into a routine. And i'm now getting into the steep learning curve that is feeding, changing and washing babies. Evie on the Left Harry Evie I'll post up more pics when i've had time to do some proper ones.
  7. looks like you had a great time, congrats to you both
  8. i may get one on the day, just undecided till i see it in action really
  9. have seen a few of these arrive in my inbox and have deleted them straight away.
  10. how long do you reckon before they drop a little in price?
  11. This is no slur on you or your driving bit it's not unheard of for people to have cruise on. See a situation, react quickly but because their feet were off the pedals they're accidently gone onto the clutch mistaking it for the brake and then ploughed into somwthing. Crashing is never a nice feeling but the main thing is you are ok.
  12. Remember there is a difference between what it's actually worth and what people think they're worth.
  13. My old man was a military man, and one of the things he told me that's stuck with me to this day is if you have a more senior member of your team who is a bit of a Muppet, it is important to remember to respect the rank even if you don't respect the person. So you do your job properly, cover your own arse, but don't go out of your way to make their life easy. If they're a bit of a tit, they'll make their own cockups and their boss will hang then out to dry.
  14. If you come and visit me I could probably help you do it.
  15. What they refer to as scavenging I've always known of it as pulsonic wave theory. And seen scavenging as a seperate part of it. They seem to see it all under the scavenging title. And on a 4 cylinder car you still have pipes intersecting. At the manifold which gives the same scavenging principals.
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