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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. The words mountain and mole hill spring to mind
  2. I have a feeling if I walk in to Tesco the day after launch I'll be able to pick one up off the shelf.
  3. As a rugby player and ex boxer, I find the whole situation hilarious and still can't see why everyone is making such a fuss. Boxers get hit in the head all the time, even get knocked out momentarily, and they get back up and have done again. Rugby players take bigger knocks and shake it off and play on. Won't be long before football players have an obligatory tampon change at half time.
  4. I've been with Southern electric for years, they send me a bill i submit a reading they email me back how much i actually owe, i pay it, life is good. I recently have been told and seen a lot on the news that switching will save me money. so i went online on to Uswitch and money supermarket. now on Uswitch i was shown a max saving of £140 a year, but on money supermarket £210. now that all sounds great, I'm even happy to go and swap to direct debit to save money and reduce the quarterly bill. but what put me off is i went and looked at the energy supplier reviews. its scary they are horrific, very few come out well and the really good ones don't do my area. so my question is who do people use, are they any good? and if you had to avoid anyone company who would it be? at the moment first:utility are apparently my best option on both sites but they seem to be completely useless on customer service and ability to provide an accurate service. alternatively I'm looking at E:ON they seem to fair about in the middle for supplier customer feedback. and only about £20 worse off on the saving a year. I dont wat to swap out to something else on the promise of cheaper and then end up worse off.
  5. have a good one kiddo! don't drink too much
  6. i'm holding out till the new consoles come out. think i might leave CoD for now and go back to forza as my first game. i did like BF when it came out. be interested to see the new one.
  7. i loved black ops, but its all now just a bit crap. was disappointed with black ops 2
  8. Wasn't a fan of the original, and that's not doing it any favours.
  9. They look great against the orange paint work. Suit the car well. Glad they went on ok.
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